College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > American Studies > Student Resources > Internships


AMS 392 is an American Studies elective course. American Studies internships are open only to American Studies majors or minors.

You may arrange your internship yourself and have the placement approved by the Director of the American Studies Program. Or you may talk with the Director about your interests and future plans, and s/he will try to find something that suits you.

Many summer internship opportunities are advertised on the internet. A standard search engine can often turn up opportunities in community development, in government, in the national parks, etc. The university and college internship offices also have listings.

Internships earn course credit, and tuition must be paid. You cannot electronically enroll for an internship; you must use a paper form, signed by the Director of the American Studies Program—or, the Director can enroll you via e-mail. Internships can be for variable amounts of credit, either two or four credits. Some students do an internship over a period of time longer than a quarter in order to use the "extra" hours in the package tuition rate, which is one price for up to 18 hours.

Internships may be paid or unpaid.  Being paid for an internship does not affect your course credit. Most interns work 10-20 hours/week at their internship, but arrangements can be made on an individual basis.

Evaluating the internship:

Interns must provide some "product" of their internship. Sometimes this happens naturally as a part of the assignment; interns are producing a brochure or report or newsletter or some such as part of the internship. Other times, this can take the form of a guided "journal"-like response to the following questions:

  • Can you describe your internship, what you did, with whom you worked?
  • What contribution did you make with your internship?
  • What skills or knowledge did you gain or improve as a result of your internship?
  • How did your internship relate to your American studies courses? Your concentration?

Whether your internship generates a product or whether you do the journal response, each internship ends with an exit interview with the faculty member on record for the internship.  In the interview you will discuss the above questions and any other issues related to the internship.  (You are, of course, welcome to come in for conversation at any point prior to the internship or during the internship as well.)