College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Military Science > Courses > Freshmen

Basic Course (Freshman Year)

MSC 111: Officership in the United States Army (1 Unit)

The purpose of this class is to introduce cadets/students to the fundamental components of service as an officer in the United States Army. These initial lessons form the building blocks of progressive lessons in values, fitness, leadership, and officership. Additionally the class addresses "life skills" including fitness, communications theory and practice (written and oral), and interpersonal relationships.

MSC 112: Problem Solving and Decision Making (1 Unit)
This course is an introduction to the "life skills" of problem solving, decision-making and leadership. The course is designed to help students in the near-term as leaders on campus. The class will help students be more effective leaders and managers in the long-term, whether they serve in the military or the civilian sector. Topics addressed include problem solving, critical thinking, problem solving methods, leadership theory, followership, group cohesion, goal setting, and feedback mechanisms. Lessons are taught in a seminar format, emphasizing student discussions and practical exercises.

MSC 113 Fundamentals of Leadership (1 Unit)
This course provides cadets/students an introduction to the critical topic of leadership. The course seeks to convince cadets/students that they can learn to be better leaders than they are now (i.e. leaders aren't born, they are developed), and to provide them with a model for understanding their development as leaders.

MSC 151, 152, 153: Physical Readiness I (1 Unit)
Introduction to the principles of fitness: a fast-paced military-style interval training class that incorporates calisthenics and an emphasis on a healthy life style. Students will undergo an evaluation of their physical fitness level and its progression over the course of the quarter.​