College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Political Science > Student Resources > Sample PSC Syllabi

Sample PSC Syllabi

​This sample of syllabi is provided to give students information about the content and structure of our courses. If you don't see one for a particular course, please contact our office at or 773-325-7336.​

PSC 269, Topics in Public Law:  The Changing Legal Profession
Tuesdays, 6:00-9:15, Lincoln Park, Britney Macdonald, JD

The legal ecosystem is enduring drastic change.  This course will discover and analyze how the primary players are being affected in addition to weighing the various theories of law's future.  Additionally, this course embodies a practical learning component which will teach students law school basics including concise writing skills and the Socratic method.

PSC 339, Advanced Topics in Political Thought:  Power and Place in the City
Mon + Wed, 1:00-2:30, Lincoln Park, John French, PhD

Political power shapes our lives in countless ways, but nowhere is its influence more tangible than in the shape and structure of cities. Cities are collective projects, built and rebuilt by thousands or millions of people over long periods, but few of those people have a say in the decisions that determine the development of the city. At the same time, residents of cities often use them in ways that planners and political leaders did not intend or envision. Using the work of theorists including Michele Foucault, James C. Scott, and Timothy Mitchell, this course will ask why cities look and work the way they do, who decides, and how those decisions get made.