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Journals & Blogs

Crook and Folly
DePaul's student produced Art and Literary Magazine. Formerly known as Threshold.
Poetry East
is an international magazine of poetry, translations, criticism, interviews, and art edited by Richard Jones.  Poetry East is committed to an art that is immediate, accessible, and universal. The journal has been described by Choice as “one of the best current journals of poetry” and ranked by London’s Poetry Review as one of the top 20 literary journals in the United States.

Big Shoulders Books Logo
The goal of Big Shoulders Books is to disseminate, free of charge, quality anthologies of writing by and about Chicagoans whose voices might not otherwise be shared. Each year Big Shoulders Books aims to make small but meaningful contributions to discussions of injustice and inequality in Chicago.
Slag Glass City Logo
Slag Glass City
publishes continuously on the web, posting something new every month or so as we begin and more frequently as we progress. We publish all shapes and disciplines of nonfiction arts, including: stories, reportage, essays, lyrics, photographs, visual arts, film and video, digital and audio works, performance, and new web-friendly forms we’ve yet to imagine.

Ex Libris, DePaul’s English graduate student blog and news source, provides MAE and MAWP students with relevant information. Posts cover department updates, events, contests, course descriptions, job postings, and a variety of other content. Founded in 2003 as a newsletter for the English graduate programs at DePaul, Ex Libris continues to evolve to meet students’ needs. 

As the online hub for all things Undergraduate English Department at DePaul, The Underground seeks to provide a constant stream of relevant and high-quality information so that English majors, minors, and enthusiasts are able to keep abreast of programming, course offerings, and faculty & student news as well as opportunities for publishing, jobs, and internships. The Underground strives to facilitate greater undergraduate student awareness and thus involvement in the English Department. The Underground is edited by the Undergraduate Programs Graduate Assistant.