College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Modern Languages > About > Events > 2021 Chicago Language Symposium > Agenda

2021 Chicago Language (Virtual) Symposium: Agenda

Peer Collaboration and Second Language Learning: Innovations and Reflections

April 17, 2021
DePaul University

Symposium Agenda

9:00-9:10AM  - Opening Remarks

9:15-10:45AM - Panel 1: Classroom-based Peer Collaboration

Collaborative Experiential Learning in Advanced Spanish Translation
Presenter: María Luisa Ortega Hernández, DePaul University

Task-based Peer Collaboration: Two City-based Projects in a Mixed-level Advanced Chinese Language Class
Presenters: Xuehua Xiang & Duosi Meng, University of Illinois at Chicago

Peer Presentations of Historical Backgrounds: Setting the Context in Advanced Language Courses
Presenter: Nicole G. Burgoyne, University of Chicago

10:50AM-12:20PM - Panel 2: Non-Native Speaker-Native Speaker Peer Telecollaboration

Peer collaboration in Spanish Heritage Language Instruction: a Telecollaboration Model
Presenter: Maria Jesus Barros Garcia, Northwestern University

The Effects of NNS-NNS and NNS-NS Telecollaborative Interaction on the Development of Second Language Confidence
Presenter: Lauren Hetrovicz, Northwestern University

Chinese as Foreign Language Learner's Intercultural Communicative Competence Development through a U.S. - China Collaborative Online International Learning Project 
Presenters: Yizhe Huang, University of North Georgia

12:20-1:00PM - Lunch Break

1:00-2:15PM - Keynote Speech

Peer learning in L1 and L2: Teaching foreign language with Concept-Based Language
Instruction (C-BLI)

Speaker: Dr. Amy Snyder Ohta, University of Washington, Seattle

2:30-3:30PM - Panel 3: Peer Tutoring and Online Peer Collaboration

Language Peer Tutoring: Starting from Zero
Presenter: Elizabeth Dolly Arvai Weber, Ariana Antonelli, Lisa James, University of Illinois at Chicago

Meaning Negotiation in Interactions Between Learners and Native Speakers of Portuguese: Challenges and Outcomes
Presenters: Ana C. Thome Williams, Augusta Saraiva, & Keyla Carvalho, Northwestern University

3:30-3:45PMClosing Remarks & Announcements