The Art School Tenured-Line Faculty: Art on Campus
Academic Affairs/Provost Suite Display
1 E. Jackson

here for full details.
Richardson Library Display
2350 N. Kenmore Ave.
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"Aves raras (puertorriqueños) no.1/Strange Birds (Puerto Ricans) no.1" Bibiana Suárez, Professor and Vincent de Paul Professor

"Aves raras (puertorriqueños) no.2/Strange Birds (Puerto Ricans) no.2" Bibiana Surarez, Professor and Vincent de Paul Professor

"Canefield Workers" Laura Kina, Professor and Vincent de Paul Professor

"Disturbance of Memories #1" Gagik Aroutiunian, Associate Professor

"Family Turdidae" Jessica Larva, Associate Professor

"Five Futurists Reflected" Matthew Girson, Professor

"INGVAR_1" Jeff Carter, Professor

"McGaw-Hall (1963-2016) by architect Helmuth Bartsch" Chi Jang Yin, Associate Professor

"Perczel Mor utca 4 From the series, The City in the City: Budapest 1944" Steve Harp, Associate Professor

"Restless Desperation #2" Zack Ostrowski, Associate Professor

"The Flush Toilet: “This Planet is all Ours”.2" Mary Ann Papanek-Miller, Professor and Chair
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Dean's Office Display
990 W. Fullerton Ave., Suite 4200
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"Deer" Steve Harp, Associate Professor

"Garbage Day" M.A. Papanek-Miller, Professor and Chair

"House of Memories #16-1" Gagik Aroutuinian, Associate Professor

"Issei" Laura Kina, Professor and Vincent dePaul Professor
"(Las) Aves raras (mexicanos) no.2/(The) Strange Birds (Mexicans) no.2" Bibiana Suarez, Professor and Vincent de Paul Professor

"Mcgaw-Hall (1963-2016) by Helmut Bartsch, DePaul University" Chi Jang Yin, Associate Professor

"NYC (blue)" Jessica Larva, Associate Professor

"PERFORMATIVE DRAWING #10" Zack Ostrowski, Associate Professor

"Shelfies" Jeff Carter, Professor

"The Painter's Other Library is the Poet's Other Night Sky, #15" Matthew Girson, Professor
Office of the Provost Display
55 E. Jackson Blvd., Suite 2200
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"Cane Fire" Laura Kina, Professor and Vincent de Paul Professor

"Chinese Factory Town" Chi Jang Yin, Associate Professor

"Dizzy Heights IV, V, and VI" Matthew Girson, Professor

"El Corazon That Speaks Spanish" and "The Heart Que Habla Inglés" Bibiana Suárez, Professor and Vincent de Paul Professor

"From House of Memories Series #4" Gagik Aroutiunian, Associate Professor

"LANDMARK OF THEIR AREA AKA: Fancy Pants is Always Late" Zack Ostrowski, Associate Professor

"Looking for Alice: you won't know who to trust" 1.1 M.A. Papanek-Miller, Professor and Chair

"Mysteries of Domestic Space 3" Steve Harp, Associate Professor

"Suspended #276" Jessica Larva, Associate Professor

"The Tourist" Jeff Carter, Professor
The School of Music Display
804 W. Belden Ave.
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"Chinese Factory" Chi Jang Yin, Associate Professor

"Hana-hana" Laura Kina, Professor and Vincent dePaul Professor

"Mother" Gagik Aroutiunian, Associate Professor

"Run, III" M.A. Papanek-Miller, Professor and Chair

"SIGN OF THEIR PLACE" Zack Ostrowski, Associate Professor

"Small Interior" Matthew Girson, Professor

"Suspended #742" Jessica Larva, Associate Professor

"Una cuestión de honor/A Matter of Honor" Bibiana Suárez, Professor and Vincent dePaul Professor

"View of Saranda" Steve Harp, Associate Professor
The Art School Faculty: DePaul Public Art Collection
Arts and Letters Hall Display
2315 N. Kenmore Ave., 4th Floor
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"Around the MCA Chicago: Struth" Tom Denlinger, Adjunct Faculty

"Chinese Playground" Chi Jang Yin, Associate Professor

"Performative Drawing #16" Zack Ostrowski, Associate Professor

"Ruins in Progress" Steven Carrelli, Adjunct Faculty

"Run, IV" M.A. Papanek-Miller, Professor and Chair

"Serve and Protect" Steven Carrelli, Adjunct Faculty

"Shipping and Receiving" Steven Carrelli, Adjunct Faculty

"The Doorway Between" Mark Zlotkowski, Adjunct Faculty

"View from the Window at Le Gras, 1826, 2009" Adam Schreiber, Assistant Professor