College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > About > Initiatives > Social Transformation Research Collaborative > Opportunities > For Faculty > Faculty Research Fellowship FAQ

Faculty Research Fellowship FAQ

No. This research fellowship is designed to support faculty progress toward tenure and/or promotion, so only tenure-line faculty below the rank of Full Professor may apply.

Yes, but only faculty whose scholarship is squarely in the humanities will be considered.

No. The fellowship will grant a full leave from all service and teaching obligations for a year, and in fact, fellows will be required not to participate in any teaching nor service during the fellowship period. The exception to this is that all fellows will be expected to participate, virtually or in person, in quarterly convenings of the STRC itself.

These are gatherings for faculty, staff, and students, hosted by the STRC, and organized around the annual theme. Convenings may feature presentations of works-in-progress, guest speakers, or discussion topics of relevance to the STRC’s work; they offer space for exchange and interconnection for interested members of DePaul’s community.

You are encouraged to apply for both, but should you be awarded both, may only take one. No deferment of either award is allowable. Similar prohibitions apply to all internal and external fellowships or grants that provide faculty with paid leave.

You may hold additional internal or external grants along with your STRC Fellowship as long as the external or internal grant does not provide you with salary or compensation in the form of money or time. As an example, an internal or external grant that provided funds for a research assistant, professional services, travel expenses, or equipment would be allowable, but a grant that paid you a stipend would not.

Yes, but applicants who have not received research leave in the recent past may receive priority consideration by the selection committee.

Yes. You will receive up to 80 hours of research assistance; the number of hours worked per week will be determined at the time of hire and based on existing policies governing student worker hours.

The fellowship will begin on July 1, 2025 and continue through June 30, 2026.

The fellowship provides two units of summer salary, plus leave from all teaching and service responsibilities during the academic year.

As a condition of accepting the award, Fellows will commit to maintaining their employment at DePaul University for a minimum of one year after the end of their grant; participating in STRC’s annual Summer Institute and presenting their research at the public Autumn Quarter Conference in the year following the end of their fellowships; and providing to the STRC a written document or draft of an article that is being prepared for publication, or a published article or book chapter that resulted from the research, for placement in the STRC’s online archive in Via Sapentiae. Selected materials may appear on the public-facing STRC website, with author permission.