College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse > Faculty > Jason Kalin
- Associate Professor and Director of MA in WRD
- PhD, Communication, Rhetoric, & Digital Media, North Carolina State University
- Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse, New Media Studies
- Faculty
- Phone: 773.325.2066
- SAC 370
Main Content
Research Interests
Rhetorical theory; visual and material rhetorics; digital rhetorics;
new media studies; memory studies
Courses Recently Taught
- WRD 201: Digital Writing
- WRD 261: Digital Culture
- WRD 390: Rhetoric & Public Writing
- WRD 505: Contemporary Rhetorics
- WRD 533: Writing Across Media
- LSP 110: Walking Chicago: A History in Footsteps [Discover Chicago]
- WRD 283: Environmental Writing
Recent Scholarship
- Kalin, J. P., & Keeling, D. M. (2021). Review of the book Rhetoric as posthuman practice by Casey Boyle. Philosophy & Rhetoric, 54(1), 88–93.
- Gries, Laurie, Watson, Blake, Kalin, Jason, Pratt, Jacqui, Dighton, Desiree. (2020). (Re)designing Innovation Alley: Fostering civic living and learning through visual rhetoric and urban design. The Review of Communication, (20)2, 170–177.
- Gruber, D. R., & Kalin, J. (2019). Socializing the gut in probiotics experimentation: Calibrating microbiota and science policy. World Medical & Health Policy, 11(4), 357–378.
- Kalin, J., & Gruber, D. (2018). Gut rhetorics: Towards experiments in living with microbiota. Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 1(3–4), 269–295.
- Kalin, J. (2018). Visualizing ambient rhetorics. Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society, 7(2).
- Kalin, J. (2017). Gathering memories with augmented reality. In S. Morey & J. Tinnell (Eds.), Augmented reality: Innovative perspectives across art, industry, and the humanities (pp. 119–134). West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
- Gallagher, V., & Kalin, J. (2017). Collected debris of public memory: Commemorative genres and the mediation of the past. In C. Miller & A. R. Kelly (Eds.), Emerging genres in new media environments (pp. 243–256). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kalin, J., & Frith, J. (2016). Wearing the city: Memory p(a)laces, smartphones, and the rhetorical invention of embodied space. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 46(3), 222–235.
- Frith, J., & Kalin, J. (2016). Here, I used to be: Mobile media and practices of place-based digital memory. Space and Culture, 19(1), 43–55.
- Quality of Instruction Council
- LSP Chicago Quarter Advisory Committee