New: Just 5 courses to complete the PW Minor
The development and expression of ideas in writing are the foundation of a liberal education, and more broadly, contemporary democratic culture. In government, education, and all manner of professions, it is through writing that we determine our values, define norms of appropriate behavior, and pursue our goals. Our lives are increasingly mediated by digital technologies that use writing to organize sound and image in interactive spaces like the World Wide Web, and through text messaging and email, individual identity and interpersonal relationships are progressively bound up with writing. At the same time, we face growing demands for communicating across national, cultural, and linguistic borders, requiring us to rethink many assumptions we may have about written communication and expression. The Department of Writing, Rhetoric, & Discourse engages various writing practices and genres to prepare students to excel in the range of contexts in which they will go on to write.
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Teaching Apprenticeship Program (TAP) Q&A
MAWRD students who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. or teaching career are encouraged to apply for the Teaching Apprenticeship Program (TAP) during their time in graduate school.
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Community Engagement in WRD Courses
One of the WRD Department’s goals for students is to prepare them, at both the undergraduate and graduate level, to excel in the range of contexts in which they will go on to write. Practicing writing in a variety of contexts and genres, for a variety of audiences, is a key part of this preparation that is embedded into many WRD courses.
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Learn about LAS graduate programs at one of our information sessions.
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