College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse > Faculty > Jason Schneider
- Associate Professor, TESOL Certificate Coordinator
- PhD, English , University of Illinois at Chicago
- Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse
- Faculty
- 773.325.0079
- SAC 353
Main Content
Research Interests
International student mobility in higher education; qualitative case studies in applied linguistics; second language writing; student agency; pedagogy and ethics.
Courses Recently Taught
- WRD 104x: Composition and Rhetoric II for Multilingual Writers
- WRD 209: Genre & Discourse
- WRD 264: Language, Self, & Society
- WRD 289: Writing about Rights
- WRD 507: Global Englishes
- WRD 543: Teaching ESL Writing
- HON 100: Rhetoric & Critical Inquiry
HON 350: Language & Community
Recent Scholarship
- International Student Mobility in Higher Education: Case Studies in Agency. Palgrave Macmillan, 2025.
- “Qualitative Research on Language Learning Strategies and Self-Regulation” (with Nathan Thomas & Sihan Zhou). AILA Review 37(2), 2024, pp. 177-187.
- "Writing Strategies as Acts of Identity.” TESOL Quarterly 56(1), 2022, pp. 230-253.
- “International Students and Faculty across the Disciplines: A Language Socialization Perspective” (with Li Jin). Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 21(1), 2022, pp. 30-45.
- “Things of the World: Migration, Presence, and the Arts of Presencing” (with Ralph Cintrón). Philosophy & Rhetoric 52(2), 2019, pp. 115-141.
- “Faculty Views on International Students: A Survey Study” (with Li Jin). Journal of International Students 9(1), 2019, pp. 84-99.
- “Teaching in Context: Integrating Community-based Service Learning into TESOL Education.” TESOL Journal 10(1), 2019, pp. 1-15.