The college supports the research, scholarship, and creative work of graduate students through its Graduate Research Fund (GRF). The GRF helps defray the cost of conducting research and creative work closely related to one's program of study and for presenting papers at academic conferences through a competitive process. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, but
must be received no later than 30 days prior to your departure.
All expenses must abide by DePaul and LAS policy and procedure.
This now includes the requirement that all students must register international and non-local domestic overnight travel related to one's activities at DePaul. Because the GRF does not fund local travel, the policy requires that
any applicant to the GRF for any purpose must first complete travel registration. Please review instructions and links to registration processes included in the Guidelines document referenced below.
Questions about allowable expenses—after careful review of the Guidelines and FAQs below—should be directed to one's faculty sponsor.
LAS reserves the right to deny any expenses, even after submitted, if they do not adhere to the requirements covered in the Guidelines and FAQs.
Past GRF recipients can be viewed
View Guidelines and FAQs Apply Online