Under the ETA program, you will teach English less than full-time. The exact amount of time teaching will vary across countries, but it will always be less than full-time. The expectation is that you will use part of your free time to promote cultural exchange via some kind of community engagement project. Because you do not determine your location and assignment in the ETA program, but rather are placed by the host country, you cannot propose a specific project as can students applying for the research/ study grant. Therefore, in your statment you are offering your intention, or a basic plan, for how you will spend your time outside the classroom. Many students propose to learn the language of the host country. Others propose to teach or tutor, perhaps in a subject area in which you have expertise (e.g. art, music, athletics, etc.). You can also propose to do volunteer work. For instance, if you are an environmental studies major you might propose to volunteer with a environmental organization. The more the plan reflects your past interest and experience, the stronger your application.