College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Student Resources > Undergraduate Research > Publications


​​​​​​​Creating Knowledge

Creating Knowledge is the journal of undergraduate scholarship and creative activity published annually by the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.It is produced in both hard copy and digital versions. First published in 2008, Creating Knowledge provides a venue to showcase the best student work produced across all our programs of study. The selection process is intentionally competitive.

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Call for Art
Students may submit 1-5 artwork images using the submission link. All artwork media and subject matter will be considered. You will be prompted to add an image (JPG or JPEG file types preferred) as well as the artwork title, year created, and media used for each artwork. You may also add a brief optional statement for each piece. Submissions will be accepted when the submission link to Slideroom is available, generally at the start of Spring Quarter. Submissions for the coming year will no longer be accepted after the entry deadline of June 1st. Please contact Associate Professor Jessica Larva in The Art School at with questions.

View Slideroom Submission Link

Mille-Feuille is sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, the Department of Modern Languages, the Study Abroad Office and Student Life at DePaul University. Each year, students enrolled in third year French at DePaul partake in all the aspects of the production of Mille-Feuille: they apply for grants, take care of the advertising, choose the art for the cover, read and select the submissions, provide editorial suggestions, and do the typesetting. 

Mille-Feuille is a collective venture that brings together students and faculty interested in French from a variety of institutions. The magazine is also an exciting means of staying in touch with our alumni and former Study Abroad participants, scattered across the country and abroad, for whom the publication of Mille-Feuille has become a yearly rendezvous.  
View current and past issues of Mille-Feuille.

Sponsored by DePaul's department of English, Crook and Folly is a student produced Art and Literary Magazine. It was formerly known as Threshold. Follow Crook and Folly on Twitter and/or Facebook