College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > About > Initiatives > Social Transformation Research Collaborative > For Faculty > Faculty Professional Development Fellowship FAQ

Faculty Professional Development Fellowship FAQ

Yes. Faculty whose scholarly or teaching fields are not in the humanities are eligible to apply if they are proposing to spend the fellowship pursuing cross-training in a humanities field or methodology.

The Professional Development Fellowship is designed to provide faculty with the time and space to develop skills and knowledge in a field outside their own. Examples of such activity might include, among others, a deep dive into the works of a particular writer, training in GIS mapping, learning about how to mount online exhibits, learning how to conduct oral histories, refreshing language skills, learning art historical or material culture methods, or developing statistical analysis skills.

No. Only faculty within the College of LAS may apply.

The fellowship will begin on July 1, 2023 and continue through December 30, 2023.

The fellowship provides one unit of summer salary plus leave from all teaching and service responsibilities in the Autumn Quarter.

You may hold additional internal or external grants along with your STRC Fellowship as long as the external or internal grant does not 1) pay you more than one unit of summer salary and 2) provide you with salary or compensation in the form of money or time for the quarter in which you are on leave. As an example, an internal or external grant that provided funds for a research assistant, professional services, travel expenses, or equipment would be allowable during the Autumn Quarter, but a grant that paid you a stipend during that period would not.

This is possible, but will require careful coordination with the Dean’s office. Applicants interested in doing this should consult with their Chair/Program Director and contact the STRC for assistance very early in their application process.

As a condition of accepting the award, Fellows will commit to maintaining their employment at DePaul University for a minimum of one year after the end of their grant; participating in STRC’s annual Summer Institute for incoming students in the summer following their leave; providing to the STRC a written report of no more than 500 words describing the outcomes of the professional development, along with copies of any new course assignments, syllabi, or work in progress developed during the fellowship, for placement in the STRC’s online archive in Via Sapentiae. Selected materials may appear on the public-facing STRC website, with author permission.