What Can I Do With A Degree In Black Studies?
One might pose the question: What can I do with a degree in Black Studies?
Our Answer: What
CAN'T you do?
List by Robert Fikes, Jr., Emeritus Librarian San Diego State University
"ABD is useful in any field you want to move into. Don’t be afraid to use your degree creatively. Have a vision for what you want out of your future and be strategic about how you pursue it. Name what you want and go after it. And don’t forget you have a community in this program."
Johnathan Fields (Class of 2011)
Career Options
Explore a database composed by Robert Fikes Jr., highlighting the accomplishments and professional careers of black studies majors across the United States.
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Skillsets in Black Studies
Learn about the variety of skills Black Studies Majors acquire at DePaul and how those skills translate to professional careers.
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Alumni Network & Updates
Check out Alumni Testimonials and written reviews from ABD Majors/Minors, and what they said about their respective experiences at DePaul.
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