College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Applied Diplomacy > About > Interview Series: Diplomacy Matters

Interview Series: Diplomacy Matters

  • ​​​​​Ilya Sichrovsky

    Interview with Ilya Sichrovsky

    Secretary General, Muslim-Jewish Conference (Austria)
    Ilja Sichrovsky is the founder of the Muslim Jewish Conference, a grassroots dialogue and leadership organization focusing on building sustainable networks between Muslim and Jewish leadres. Founded in 2010, the MJC has hosted events which have gathered more than 1500 leaders engaged in coalition building from over 65 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Central and South Asia, North and South America, and North and Sub-Saharan Africa.

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  • Mohamed Abubakr

    Interview with Mohamed Abubakr

    President, African Middle Eastern Leadership Project (Sudan)
    A Sudanese human rights activist, Mohamed Abubakr founded AMEL to mobalize, empower and unite young millennial leaders from across Africa and the Middle East to become builders of resilient, inclusive societies.

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  • Radia Bakkouch

    Interview with Radia Bakkouch

    President, Coexister (France)
    A specialist in peacebuilding, youth empowerment and conflict transformation, Radia Bakkouch leads the Paris-based NGO Coexister, which since its founding in 2009 has facilitated the meeting of over 120,000 students across the European continent in its efforts to promote solidarity and action across boundaries of religion, race and ethnicity.

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  • Rafael Tyszblat

    Interview with Rafael Tyszblat

    Connecting Actions/European Institute for Dialogue (France)
    Rafael Tyszblat is a founding leader of the Connecting Actions and the European Institute for Dialogue, two NGOs focused on providing platforms for interfaith and interconvictional organizations to create networks across Europe. An expert in conflict resolution, mediation, intercultural and interconvictional dialogue, Rafael has trained thousands of youth and adults in effective communication skills through his work with the non-profit New York-based organization Soliya.

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