College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > History > Faculty > Ryan Yokota

Ryan Yokota

  • Teaching Professor
  • PhD, University of Chicago
  • History
  • Adjunct Faculty

PhD in East Asian (Japanese) History, University of Chicago

Ryan Yokota’s current research focus is on comparative transnational ethnic studies in both East Asia and in the U.S., with a focus on Uchinānchu (Okinawans) under Japanese and American colonialism, Asian Latin Americans and Asians in Latin America, and Japanese American/Asian American history. His previous research centered on Okinawan post-World War II nationalism and included a focus on movements for independence, movements for regional autonomy, and the current push to redefine Okinawan identity as indigenous.

Recent Publications
"Reversion-Era Proposals for Okinawan Regional Autonomy." In Beyond American Occupation: Race and Agency in Okinawa, 1945–2015, 59-79. Edited by Hiroko Matsuda and Pedro Iacobelli. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.

"The Okinawan (Uchinānchu) Indigenous Movement and Its Implications for Intentional/International Action." Amerasia Journal 41, no. 1 (Spring 2015): 55–73.

"Ganbateando: The Peruvian Nisei Association and Okinawan Peruvians in Los Angeles." In Transnational Crossroads: Remapping the Americas and the Pacific. Edited by Camilla Fojas and Rudy P. Guevarra Jr., 427–60. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2012.

Courses Taught
Asian American Immigration
Rise of Modern China