"Collaboration Across Interdisciplinary, Communities, Borders, and Languages"
April 20, 2024 | DePaul University | Chicago, IL
Co-Hosted by DePaul University and Purdue University
2024 CATJ Conference Organizers:
Nobuko Chikamatsu, Ph.D. (DePaul University) and Mariko M. Wei, Ph.D. (Purdue University)
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The 30th Central Association of Teachers of Japanese (CATJ 30) will be hosted jointly by DePaul University and Purdue University on Saturday, April 20, 2024. The CATJ 30 will be an in-person conference at
DePaul's Lincoln Park Campus, the heart of Chicago's culture and academic scenes.
The conference theme is "Collaboration across Interdisciplinary, Communities, Borders, and Languages," seeking to bring together Japanese language professionals from the Midwest region and beyond across the US and Canada and build rich, diverse contexts across schools, regions, and countries.
Dr. Yoshiko Mori, Professor of Japanese at Georgetown University and President of the American Association of Teachers of Japanese will be a plenary speaker.
For further information or any inquiry, please contact Nobuko Chikamatsu, Ph.D. (DePaul University) at
nchikama@depaul.edu and Mariko M. Wei, Ph.D. (Purdue University) at