College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Student Resources > Internships > International Internships

International Internships

International Internships in Chicago 

What makes an internship international? International internships are opportunities to work abroad or nationally with organizations that are committed to engaging with international issues. The following are good examples:

  • Interning with a local government entity.
  • Working at a diplomatic mission or a non-governmental organization abroad.
  • Working at a firm that has an explicit international orientation, mission, and agenda.

There are two distinct types of international internships. 

International Internships Abroad

Interning abroad is the most traditional way of doing an international internship. It is an exciting, life-altering, and challenging experience. Interning with a government entity, a diplomatic mission, a non-governmental organization, or a firm located abroad would, by definition, be consistent with the spirit of this college experience.  Start planning early for this option. Speak to your advisor about “when” and “where” to go abroad in pursuit of your college goals. 

International Internships Anywhere in the US

It is not location alone that makes an internship international. Interning with a government entity, a diplomatic mission, a non-governmental organization, or a firm located anywhere in the US that has an explicit international orientation, mission, and agenda, would be consistent with the spirit of this college experience. Examples include departments of municipal governments with international involvement, a diplomatic entity, an international organization like the World bank, an NGO that address refugee groups, or one of a global corporation. Within Chicago, examples could include working at the City of Chicago’s international commerce office, or any of the foreign consular entities in our city, NGOs that address refugee groups, or one of our many global corporations like Boeing and Hyatt.