College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > History



Welcome to the Department of History at DePaul University.

The History Department takes pride in its commitment to DePaul’s Vincentian mission which serves to uphold “the sacred dignity of all people, with special attention to those who are vulnerable, underserved, or materially poor.” With the university, “we seek creative and effective solutions to institutional and societal challenges” and are committed to “the interplay of diverse value systems beneficial to intellectual inquiry.”
Our curriculum reflects DePaul’s foundational commitment to the liberal arts.  In addition to an undergraduate program with concentrations in public history and pre-law, as well as a standard concentration, the department offers a history minor, a minor in the History of Law, a minor in Museum Studies, a graduate degree (MA), and several five-year combined bachelor’s + master’s degree options, all of which have the potential for exciting career opportunities (see Why Major in History? on our homepage for a larger discussion). More than 30 full and part-time outstanding faculty offer day and night courses on the Lincoln Park and Loop campuses, as well as online.
We are proud to be part of a university community that is “inspired by a broad-ranging Catholic intellectual tradition” and “enriched by people from many religious and philosophical traditions collaborating to further knowledge, wisdom, truth, and the common good.”​

“My undergraduate education at DePaul provided two invaluable experiences: the ability to conduct independent, in-depth archival research and the opportunity to use the city of Chicago as a lens to understand the import of the historical developments we studied in the classroom.”

Cassie (BA ’10)


SHC 2025 Save the Date

​​2025 Student History Conference​​

The Annual History Conference is always a special event in the calendar in the history department as we gather together to share in the accomplishments of our students.

Interested in Graduate School?

Learn about LAS graduate programs at one of our information sessions.

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