College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Centers & Institutes > Center for World Catholicism & Intercultural Theology > About > Research Fellows > Past Fellows

Past Fellows

Spring/Summer 2023

Leonard Katchekpele

Léonard Katchekpele

Assistant Pastor, Holy Trinity Parish (Frankenthal, Germany)
Visiting Professor, Catholic University of West Africa (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire)

Originally from Togo, Fr. Léonard Katchekpele holds ThM degrees in canon law and theological ethics, as well as a PhD in Catholic theology from the University of Strasbourg. His dissertation was titled "The Political Challenges of the Church in Africa" and received the university's 2015 Prix de la Fondation for the best dissertation in the social sciences. His research and teaching interests include political theology; theology and postscolonial theory; ethics, politics, and violence after René Girard; and African theology. In French, Fr. Katchekpele has published 

Research while at CWCIT ~ Fr. Katchekpele's research project is titled "Masking and Un-Masking Original Violence: William Cavanaugh and the Possibilities of Ecclesiology after René Girard." 

Winter/Spring 2023

Ludovic Lado, SJ

Ludovic Lado, SJ

Director, Center for Studies & Training for Development (N'Djamena, Chad)

A Jesuit priest from Cameroon, Fr. Ludovic Lado holds a doctorate in social and cultural anthropology from Oxford University, UK. He specializes in the anthropology of religion, focusing on current trends in African Catholicism. Currently, he serves as director of both the Centre d'Etude et de Formation pour le Développement (CEFOD—Center for Studies & Training for Devleopment) and of the CEFOD Business School in N'Djamena, Chad. His publications include several journal articles as well as Catholic Pentecostalism and the Paradoxes of Africanization (Brill, 2009) and, in French, Le pluralisme religieux en Afrique (Yaoundé: Catholic University of Central Africa Press, 2013). He is currently working on two book manuscripts: 

Research while at CWCIT ~ Fr. Lado's CWCIT research project is titled “Towards an Anthropology of African Catholicism" and furthered his ongoing research on the relationship between social sciences and African Catholicism.


Petrus Lakonawa

PhD candidate, St. Vincent School of Theology (Manila, Philippines) 
Lecturer, Bina Nusantara University (Jakarta, Indonesia) 

Research while at CWCIT
Petrus Lakonawa's CWCIT research focuses on the metaphor of rechem (womb), the root metaphor of Mother (Shekinah, Lady Wisdom, HokmahSophia), and the concept of rachamim (mercy and compassion) in talking about the relational with God. His exploration revolves around the issues of feminist symbols, analogies, and metaphors in theological discourses to promote more inclusive and emancipatory God-talks, positive regard for woman, body, and ecology as well as to inspire a more compassionate and egalitarian world.​

Spring 2022

Jodi Mikalachki

Jodi Mikalachki

Associate Professor of English
University of Burundi

(Bujumbura, Burundi)
Dr. Mikalachki's research project while at CWCIT is titled "Fragile, Handicapped, Young: Martyrdom and Peace in Burundi," and her publications include "Fraternity, Martyrdom and Peace in Burundi: The Forty Servants of God of Buta," Journal of Global Catholicism, 6.1 (2021),  and "Narrating Violence in Burundian Genocide and Civil War Literature: Pacifique Irankunda's 'Playing at Violence,'" in Emerging East African Literatures and Cultures (Galda Verlag, 2020). 
Her related publications include her translation of Fr. Zacharie Bukuru's book, We Are All Children of God: The Story of the Forty Young Martyrs of Buta-Burundi , and her translation of Kaburahe, Antoine. Hutsi: In the Name of Us All. Translated by Jodi Mikalachki. Bujumbura: Iwacu, 2019.
Jakob Egeris Thorsen

Jakob Egeris Thorsen

Associate Professor of Theology (Diaconia)
Aarhus University 
(Aarhus, Denmark)
Dr. Thorsen's research project while at CWCIT is titled “Maya Religious Practices and Catholic Theology of Inculturation: An Ethnographic Analysis of Maya Catholicism in Guatemala and a Constructive Theological Proposal," and his recent publications in English and Danish include

Winter 2022

A man with shoulders up view, standing in front of blank background
Erico João Hammes
Professor of Systematic Theology 
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul  
(Porto Alegre, Brazil)

Dr. Hammes' research project while at CWCIT is titled “A Spirit Christology of Peace and Nonviolence in the Discipleship of Jesus," and his publications in Portuguese include


Fall 2021

Paul Gifford, PhD (SOAS, University of London)

Paul Gifford

Emeritus Professor, Study of Religions
School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS)
University of London
(Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)

Dr. Gifford's research project while at CWCIT Is titled “African—or Public—Theology?," and his publications include

We were unable to host any research fellows due to COVID-19.

2019-20 Research Fellows

Ruben Mendoza, PhD

Ruben Mendoza (Winter/Spring 2020)
Professor of Theology, Ateneo de Manila University
(Manila, Philippines)

Research project: "Navigating Religious Identity in the Currents of Mission: The Case of the Apostolic Vicariate of Jolo" 

Jeane Peracullo, PhD

Jeane Peracullo (Fall 2019)

Chair and Associate Professor of Philosophy, De La Salle University
(Manila, Philippines)

Research project: "The Virgin of the Vulnerable Lake: Religious Engagements with Climate Change in the Philippines" 

Junior Research Fellow

Sr. Teresa Kiragu
Sr. Teresa Wacera Kiragu
PhD candidate, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Nairobi, Kenya)

Dissertation topic: "Promoting Holistic Healthcare and a Culture of Life in the Catholic Hospitals in Africa: A Bioethical Analysis of the Healthcare Ministry of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nyeri, Kenya"

​2018-19 Research Fellows

Emilce Cuda
Emilce Cuda (Winter/Spring 2019)

Research Professor of Theology, Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina
Research Professor of Philosophy, University of Buenos Aires
(Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Research project: Titled "Populism in Today's Theology and Politics" 

Patrick C. Chibuko
Rev. Patrick C. Chibuko (Fall 2018)

Chair and Professor of Sacred Liturgy, Catholic Insititue of West Africa (CIWA)
(Port Harcourt, Nigeria)

Research project: "Liturgy for the Church as a Field Hospital" 

​Junior Research Fellows

Daniel Lagat

PhD candidate, Moi University (Eldoret, Kenya)

Dissertation topic: "Faith and Environmental Adaptation in Kenya: The Case of Christian Impact Mission in Yatta Constituency"

Rev. Anthony Atansi

PhD candidate, Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium)

Dissertation topic: "Transforming Christology: Towards a Socially Transformative Christopraxis from the Grassroots Christological (Re)Imagination in the African Context"

​2017-18 Research Fellows

Nathanaël Yaovi Soede (Winter & Spring 2018)

Lecturer and researcher, Institut Catholique Missionnaire d'Abidjan
(Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire)

Research project: Exploring a theology of wealth and security which we can promote In today's global context of violence and insecurity, in order to guarantee the peaceful coexistence of societies

Paul Kollman, CSC (Fall 2017)

Associate Professor of Theology; Leo & Arlene Hawk Executive Director of the Center for Social Concerns
University of Notre Dame

Research project: Drawing connections between Africa's past role in the early Church and its present and future importance, and exploring what its growing role means for the Church on a global level

2016-17 Research Fellows

Virginia Azcuy (Winter 2017)

Professor of Theology & Chair of Spiritual Theology, Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (Buenos Aires)

Research project: Using fieldwork and qualitative research (i.e., personal interviews and real-life conversations) in the study of theology

Emmanuel S. de Guzman (Fall 2016)

Professor of Theology, St. Vincent School of Theology (Manila)
Chair of Board of Trustees, Catholic Theological Society of the Philippines

Research project: Exploring the Church as "one" in Southeast Asia from an intercultural perspective

Rev. Simon C. Kim (Fall 2016)

Assistant Professor in Theology, University of Holy Cross (New Orleans)

Research project: An intercultural theological reflection on racism and the Catholic Church

Rev. Simon C. Kim (Fall 2015)

Thomas E. Chambers Assistant Professor of Theology, University of Holy Cross (New Orleans)

Research project:
Tracing the historical developments of Christological images as the source of evangelization of new cultures, with a focus on the global South

Rev. Laurenti Magesa (Spring 2016)

Professor of Moral & African Theology, Hekima Jesuit School of Theology and Tangaza University College (Nairobi)

Research project: Jesus as "healer" for the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa and the embodiment of the African worldview of ongoing healing and life's flourishing

Kristine Meneses

PhD candidate, Theological Ethics
St. Vincent School of Theology, Adamson University (Manila)

Gabriel M. de los Santos

PhD candidate, Systematic Theology
St. Vincent School of Theology, Adamson University (Manila)

Daniel F. Pilario, CM

Dean & Professor, St. Vincent School of Theology, Adamson University (Manila)

Research project: "Doing Theology in a Garbage Dump: The 'Rough Grounds' & Theological Method"

Emmanuel Katongole

Emmanuel Katongole Associate Professor of Theology & Peace Studies, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame

Research project: "Born of Lament: The Gift & Discipline of Hope in Africa"

Marcelo Timotheo da Costa

Chair & Professor of History, Universidade Salgado de Oliveira (Niterói, Brazil)

Research project: "Liberation Theology Celebrates St. Francis: The Poverello of Assisi According to Leonardo Boff"

Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ 
Nairobi, Kenya
  • Provincial of Eastern African Province, Society of Jesus 
  • Research project: "Religion, Church & Society in Africa"
Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer 
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

  • Associate Professor of Theology and Vice Dean of Center of Theology & Human Sciences
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Research project: "Mysticism, Witnessing & Community—The Martyr Communities of Tibhirine & San Salvador
Diego Irarrázaval, CSC 
Santiago, Chile
  • Professor of Theology, Universidad Católica Silva Henriquez
  • Research project: "Christianity & Marian Spirituality in South American Peoples"
Pantelis Kalaitzidis
Volos, Greece

  • Director, Volos Academy for Theological Studies
  • Professor of Systematic Theology, Hellenic Open University
  • Professor of Religious Studies, University of Thessaly

Agnes M. Brazal
Manila, Philippines
  • Professor of Theology, St. Vincent School of Theology, Adamson University
  • Research project: "Doing Vernacular Theo-ethics in a Postmodern World" (PDF)
Olga Consuelo Vélez Caro 
Bogotá, Colombia
  • Professor of Theology, Pontifical Xaverian University
  • Research project: "Ciudad y mujer: Una apuesta evangelizadora" (PDF, currently available in Spanish only)

Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ
Nairobi, Kenya
  • Provincial of Eastern African Province, Society of Jesus
  • Research project: "A Global Sign of Outward Grace:The Sacramentality of the World Church in the Era of Globalization" (PDF)

Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Associate Professor of Theology and Vice Dean of Center of Theology & Human Sciences
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Research project: "The Witness of Dorothy Day & the Future of Liberation Theology" (video)

Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Associate Professor of Theology and Dean of Center of Theology & Human Sciences
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Research project: The Mystery & the World: Passion for God in Times of Disbelief (currently available in Portuguese only)​

Robert L. Wilken
William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor Emeritus of the History of Christianity
University of Virginia
  • Research project:The First Thousand Years: A Global History of Christianity (link)​
Emmanuel Katongole
Associate Professor of Theology & Peace Studies,  Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies
University of Notre Dame
  • Research project:The Sacrifice of Africa: A Political Theology for Africa (link)​
