College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Student Resources > Scholarships > Featured Scholarships > Rhodes > Application Process

Application Process

If you wish to apply for a Rhodes Scholarship, you should take the following steps:

  1. Read the information about the Scholarships applicable globally​, and then proceed to your country-specific page.  Choose the post-graduate degree program at Oxford. For the full listing of degrees offered by the University of Oxford, visit
  2. Once you are familiar with Rhodes’ requirements reach out to the DePaul campus representative for application tips and/ or questions about the application process.   Please note, you cannot receive any assistance with your application essay.  No one other than you may make edits or suggest improvements to your essay.   As part of your application, you must submit a statement attesting to the fact that the essay is entirely your own work.  For more information, click here.
  3. Applications for Rhodes Scholarships typically open during the summer.  During the spring and early summer should gather your application materials, which generally include: transcripts, curriculum vitae/ resumé, personal statement essay, evidence of age / birth certificate / passport, English Language proficiency (if  English is not the first language), photograph, university endorsement letter, and list of referees who can attest in confidential references to your character and intellect, including academic, personal, extra-curricular and leadership achievements.  Usually 5-8 referees are required.   At least four must be from professors.
  4. Submit all materials by the campus deadline (first Friday in August).
  5. Work with the DePaul adviser to schedule an interview with a campus committee composed of DePaul faculty.  This interview is a way for you to demonstrate that you have a well-crafted application and are prepared for study at Oxford.  It is necessary for DePaul to produce an endorsement letter, which is a required part of the application for American students.
  6. Submit your final application by the national deadline (early-October).  See the Rhodes website for the exact deadline.  The application must include an endorsement by the DePaul campus committee. 
  7. Prepare for a face-to-face interview with a Rhodes committee.  Not all applicants will be invited for an interview.  If you are invited, the interview will take place on the Friday and Saturday before Thanksgiving.  The location of the interview is announced after the application deadline.


  • Spring/ Summer: Select the Oxford program to which you plan to apply and begin preparing application materials.  Reach out to faculty advisers that can help you with your research plan and write your letters of recommendation.  Contact the DePaul scholarship adviser for assistance.
  • mid Summer:  Work with the scholarship and faculty advisers to strengthen your application. (You cannot receive any assistance or feedback on your application essay).
  • early August: Submit your application materials to the DePaul scholarship adviser by the first Friday in August 
  • mid to late September:  Conduct interview with DePaul campus committee.
  • early October:  Submit final application materials to Rhodes.  Check the Rhodes website for the specific national deadline.
  • Friday and Saturday before Thanksgiving: if invited, participate in an interview with a Rhodes committee.  The interview location is announced after the national deadline.