College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Student Resources > LAS Technology Center > Resources > Faculty


​​​​​​​​​​​​This section of our site provides a detailed list of resources LAS faculty should have easy access to. If you have any questions regarding any of our links or applications, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Don't want to keep track of all the individual web applications? Bookmark LAS One Site, a single place for LAS faculty to access all applications they have access to, in one click.

LAS One Site

Need to access LAS Office of the Dean memos, policies, or business continuity plans? Bookmark LAS SharePoint Site to view documents.

LAS SharePoint Site

Instructional Continuity Preparation Checklist

Review the Instructional Continuity Preparation Checklist as you plan services to deliver coursework and complete grading for our students in emergency circumstances. In accordance with University policy, the purpose is to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that DePaul's business will continue as soon as possible after any incident that disrupts some or all of the university's essential business operations.

Many of the websites below are only accessible to members of the LAS community and require Campus Connect credentials.

LAS Shared Governance Document

LAS Central - Allows members of LAS to view current contact information for all faculty and staff, lists current chairs and department assistants, and lists current committee members. (View Instructions)

LAS College Senate SharePoint Site - A centralized location for all information related to the College Senate.

LASAC SharePoint Site - Allows members of LASAC to access important LASAC-centric information.

Contingent Faculty Document
Curriculum Proposal Dates
Schedule Planning

LAS Elections - Allows LAS faculty to vote online during committee elections. Email notifications are sent during Spring Quarter indicating the start of the self-nomination and voting processes.

The University Faculty Handbook

Many of the websites below are only accessible to members of the LAS community and require Campus Connect credentials.

Annual Assessment Report - Allows faculty to submit their Annual Assessment Report

Application to Teach LSP 200 in Summer - Allows eligible faculty to apply to teach LSP 200 over the summer.

Center for Latino Research Fellowship - Allows faculty university-wide to apply for a Center for Latino Research Faculty Fellowship

CIM Courses - Allows LAS faculty members to submit and track proposals for new LAS courses and revisions to existing LAS courses.

Creating Knowledge - Allows departmental faculty to submit student work for the Creating Knowledge publication. View instructions

DPRUpdate - Allows LAS faculty and advisors in the undergradaute office to submit update requests regarding LAS undergraduate student DPRs. (View Instructions)

Excellence in Teaching Award Nomination - Allows faculty, staff and students to nominate eligible faculty for an Excellence in Teaching Award and also allows nominees to submit the required documentation to support their nomination. (View Faculty Instructions) (View Chair Instructions)

Faculty Mentoring- Allows LAS faculty to volunteer to become a mentor or to seek out a mentor.

Faculty Workload Worksheet - Allows LAS faculty members to submit their faculty workload worksheets and have them reviewed by their department chairs and the Dean's Office.

Grants - Allows LAS faculty and students to access and submit Undergraduate Research Assistantship Program (URAP), Summer Undergraduate Research Grant (SURG), Undergraduate Research Funding (URF), Faculty Summer Research Grant Program (FSRG), Graduate Research Funding (GRF) Program and Doctoral-Undergraduate Opportunities for Scholarship (DUOS) proposals online.

Humanities Fellowship - Allows faculty university-wide to apply for a Humanities Fellowship online.

Incomplete Grade Request Form - Allows LAS undergraduate and graduate students and faculty to create a formal document detailing an incomplete grade request.

Independent Study Form - Allows graduate and undergraduate students to submit independent study forms online where faculty can then review student requests. (View Instructions

LAS Central - Allows members of LAS to view current contact information for all faculty and staff, lists current chairs and department assistants, and lists current committee members. (View Instructions

LSP Course Proposal - Allows DePaul users university-wide to propose new courses for the First-Year Program and to request LSP credit for existing courses in their area.

Strategic Goal Tracking - Allows LAS faculty and staff to submit their department’s accomplishments towards Vision 2018.

Summer Advising - Allows faculty to apply for new undergraduate student advising in the summer.

LAS Data Request Form – An online form to request data on courses, majors, or whatever you would like to know. If it is available we will do our best to get it for you.

Tableau is a data visualization software used by the University. There are both university-wide and LAS-specific reports housed within this system (if you have not previously been granted access you will need to request it (please email
Information and instructional videos on how to use Tableau.​

LAS Alumni Engagement Recommendations - This guide is meant to help units who are interested in increasing contact and engagement with alumni. Review this doucment for a few tips to help you get started or to enhance what you are already doing.

Suite 1300 is an LAS proprietary self-service event and meeting space, i.e., technology, setup and clean-up are all managed by the reservation holder, and there is no college or university-level support for these functions. By booking this room, you certify that you will manage your reservation accordingly.

For room usage guidelines, see Suite 1300 Reservation Guidelines.
For room setup options, see Suite 1300 Configuration Options.
For technology information, see Suite 1300 Zoom Instructions.


Publicizing Events and Announcements on LAS Digital Monitors and Social Media Channels
The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences provides access to digital publicity on social media and monitors located on the first floor of Arts & Letters Hall and on the first floor of the 990 West Fullerton Building, at the Lincoln Park Campus. Monitors display college-wide announcements, college-sponsored and LAS unit-hosted event information, and important university-wide dates. To display event or announcement information, send information to

Publicizing Events on Localist
To publicize or send out advance notice of your event online, please make use of Localist, DePaul’s university-wide calendar. A Campus Connect or Facebook log-in is required. Once logged-in, click the small box labeled “Submit an Event” on the upper right side. The form is straightforward and can be filled out quickly. Of importance is to make sure to tag your submission with the name of the department or unit with which the event is affiliated, as well as to designate College of LAS. Once this is done, the event will automatically appear in the upcoming events feed on the LAS website, on your department’s or unit’s on-line calendar if one has been added to the website, as well as on other department’s or unit’s website if their filters include you. Should you require assistance with Localist, instructions can be found on the Information Services website.

Publicizing Faculty, Student or Alumni News
When you want to publicize news about faculty, student or alumni achievement (aside from notifying the LAS Dean's Office and, notify Marilyn Ferdinand in Advancement. Marilyn, who oversees the LAS quarterly alumni magazine Insights, also shares information with the office of University Marketing and Communications on a regular basis for use in DePaul Magazine, etc. Our college is frequently mentioned in “in-house” university venues such as Newsline. Stories can be submitted directly to Newsline using their online form.

D2L Assistance
DePaul Blogs
DePaul Campus Events
DePaul Online Teaching Series
Faculty Instructional Technology Services (FITS)
Faculty Resource Guide: University Programs & Services to Support Student Success
FERPA Release Form for Recommendations
How to Manage Junk Email in Outlook
Information Services
Office of Faculty Development
Spam Control (Google Apps)
Teaching Commons
Teaching Evaluations
Technology Services & Resources
Technology Support
Technology Training
University Committees
University Faculty Council
Updating Your Campus Connect Profile
Updating Your Outlook Directory Profile

How to Take a Screenshot - Sometimes it is helpful to show others what you are seeing on your screen (especially if you are experiencing a bug). This website gives you clear instructions on how to take a screenshot.
What Browser Am I Using - Different browsers can sometimes display websites in slightly different ways. Knowing what browser (and, more specifically, which version of that browser) you are using can be very important information to share.​