College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Applied Diplomacy > Student Resources > Graduate


To apply for DePaul scholarships you must complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the General Application on the DePaul Online Scholarship Application​ website. 
  2. ​Log into the DePaul Online Scholarship Application site using your Campus Connect ID and password.
  3. Complete and submit the General Application. This step is completed once a year, after July 1st. Students that have applied for a scholarship this year do not have to repeat this step.
  4. Once your application has been completed and submitted successfully, it will be marked with a green checkmark.
  5. Applications marked in gray have not been submitted successfully. In this case, we recommend that you please revisit your submission and try again.
  6. After submitting the General Application, you will automatically route to opportunities for which you qualify and more information is needed.
  7. If you are recommended for additional scholarships, you will be able to view a list of opportunities. Apply for them by clicking on the blue “Apply” button beside each scholarship. Additional questions or information may be required to complete the application process.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email ​
