College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Applied Diplomacy > Student Resources > Graduate > Scholarships


​​The following graduate scholarship opportunities are offered by The Grace School of Applied Diplomacy for qualified and selected candidates. Please open each link to find out more details.​​​​

The Grace School of Applied Diplomacy (DPL) invites you to apply for the Study Abroad scholarship. Awards are available to DPL Majors, Double Majors and Graduate students for tuition and fees associated with Study Abroad. All students awarded will be vetted through the Study Abroad Office and Financial Aid prior to the award being processed, and recipients of the award will be asked to provide written and/or video reports of their study abroad experience. Preference for this award goes to students with financial need, and merit may also be considered. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is midnight, 05/30/2022 via DePaul's Scholarship Connect portal.  

If you have any questions, please contact

The Grace School of Applied Diplomacy (DPL) internship scholarship is awarded to part-time or full-time undergraduate or graduates in DPL who are in good standing. Students performing their internship (paid or unpaid) at DePaul, for a DePaul department, are not eligible to apply. There are multiple scholarships per quarter.  These scholarships are critical to The Grace School’s commitment to supporting the learning experience of DPL students taking on internships, and the Applied Diplomacy program’s emphasis on the transprofessional nature of diplomacy. 

This scholarship is intended to support a 10 week, 10 hour/week department-sponsored internship. However, that timing can alter depending on circumstances. The internship must be related to the student’s academic skills or interests. This scholarship is competitive and students must provide robust answers.  

Financial need is not a requirement for this award.  

*By submitting an application for this award, you certify that you have read the information in its entirety and understand the guidelines.*

If the student fails to complete the internship in a satisfactory manner as outlined by the department, the award will be rescinded and the student will owe the university that amount. For this reason, students must be certain they understand the requirements of the internship prior to accepting the scholarship.             

If you have any questions, please contact

The deadline to apply for this scholarship is midnight, 6/10/2022, and you may apply via DePaul's Scholarship Connect site. 

The Grace School of Applied Diplomacy in the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences encourages you to apply for scholarships, awarded for academic year 2022-2023.  The Scholarship is renewable through 2023-2024 academic year providing the student remain continuously enrolled and a student in good standing. The commitment will not exceed two academic years and may not be utilized in the Summer Quarter.

The purpose of this award is to provide recognition and financial assistance to international graduate students within the School. Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to international graduate students from the global south, defined as Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Central and South America, and the Caribbean, with strong preference given to students from Africa and Central and South America. Students who have been admitted into The Grace School of Applied Diplomacy are eligible to apply. This award is designed to attract first year students to the program.

We will announce the 2021-2022  academic year awardees in Spring 2022. In order to receive the award, the student must be enrolled as an Applied Diplomacy student in the Fall of 2020 and remain enrolled as a student in good standing throughout the program. There may be an opportunity to receive additional awards for educational expenses as funds become available.

The deadline to apply for this graduate scholarship opportunity is midnight, 4/15/2022 through this link within DePaul's Scholarship Connect portal. 

If you have any questions, please contact