The International Studies Department (INT) is a dynamic, interdisciplinary undergraduate program that combines social and cultural analysis. Here we train students to critically analyze the problems facing their communities and the world by developing solutions informed by social justice.
The program emphasises research and writing in all classes. Students learn research techniques that enable them to investigate a problem. International Studies (INT) courses allow students to locate, read and understand source material from different disciplines, government documents and electronic databases. After graduation, INT students command the basic analytical vocabularies
of geography, political science, micro and macroeconomics, history and cultural
The major is flexible, incorporating internships, community service, study abroad programs, conference presentations, and student organization involvement in order to round out the undergraduate curriculum.
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Area Concentration
The purpose of the concentration is to provide students with in-depth knowledge in an area. Students can design their concentration or take one of the following pre-designed concentrations.
Students choose their concentration courses in consultation with their faculty mentors assigned to them. Students consult their advisors to tailor their concentration courses to their specific study area. After consultation, the faculty advisor will forward a list of a minimum of concentration courses to the advising office in the LAS College.
Foreign Language Requirement
The minimum requirement is coursework through the 106 (intermediate) course in a language of the student's choice. With the director's approval, proficiency in a foreign language can also be demonstrated by examination. However, international studies students are expected to gain fluency in a single foreign language and to continue studying it beyond the intermediate level. Students are strongly encouraged to continue their work in a language through a study abroad program. The Office of the University Registrar administers all assessment and proficiency tests.
Study Abroad Programs
All international studies majors are encouraged, but optional, to participate in study abroad programs. No other internship experience better prepares one for international work than studying abroad. DePaul University's Study Abroad Program works closely with the International Studies Department in formulating opportunities for students that are intellectually rigorous and linguistically appropriate. Currently, ten- to fifteen-week programs are offered annually in Belgium, China, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland and Spain. The programs in Europe and Japan can often be extended to a full year. For more information, contact the Study Abroad Program office at (773) 325-7450 or visit their website.
European Community Research Internship
Seniors who strongly commit to European studies can apply to participate in the programs research internship in Brussels's European Commissions' offices. This four-month, intensive research internship is organised through DePaul's Study Abroad Program and the Irish Institute of European Affairs at the Catholic University of Leuven.