College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Modern Languages > Student Resources > Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Scholarship

​​​​​​​​​​Department of Modern Languages​ Study Abroad Scholarship

  • ​​​​Amount varies, usually $1500 for language majors, double majors, and graduate students; $1000 for language minors​​
  • ​Open to Modern Languages majors, double majors, graduate students, and language minors in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
  • Applicants must be enrolled in a DePaul Modern Languages Department long-term language-intensive program or a short-term study abroad program led by at least one Modern Languages faculty member
  • Applicants must hold a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0​
  • ​​​Application deadline:  see below
  • To apply, please visit the DePaul University Scholarship Connect website.  
MOL Scholarships
The Department of Modern Languages invites you to apply for the Modern Languages Study Abroad Scholarship.  Awards are available to Modern Languages majors, double majors, graduate students, and language minors​ for fees associated with Study ​​Abroad.  Students applying for this award should be enrolled through the Office of Study Abroad in a DePaul Modern Languages long-term language-intensive program or a short-term study abroad program led by at least one faculty member from Modern Languages​​​​.​  All students awarded will be vetted through the Study Abroad Office and Financial Aid prior to the award being processed, and recipients of the award will be asked to provide written and/or video reports of their study abroad experience.  Preference for this award goes to students with financial need, and merit may also be considered.  Former recipients of an MOL scholarship will not be considered.  

Questions?  Please contact​.  

Note:  the scholarship will not post until after the add/drop date in the term the student is traveling.