College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Sociology > About


​Sociology is a discipline that expands our awareness and analysis of the human social relationships, cultures, and institutions that profoundly shape both our lives and human history. This can range from the social causes and consequences of such things as racial and gender identity, family conflict, political polarization, and addiction. Sociology faculty at DePaul also explore issues related to crime and law, health and healthcare, urban development, economic inequality, immigration, race and ethnicity, political behavior, and more. By examining these varied topics, sociology provides insights into the forces that shape our world and the ways we can create positive change. 

Located in the heart of Chicago, the department offers a sociology degree that is immersed in the city itself. Students have access to internships, community-service placements, and field research experiences, as well as the many opportunities of a global city. 

Our department is committed to providing stude​nts with the tools and perspectives needed to critically analyze society. Through engaging coursework, hands-on research opportunities, and community involvement, our students learn to apply sociological theories and methods to real-world problems. These skills open career paths in diverse fields including education, urban planning, public health, non-profit and community-service agencies, media, government, and research. Many of our alumni pursue professional degrees in areas that include law, public health, criminal justice, social work, public policy, marketing, and management of businesses and non-profit organizations, as well as MA and PhD degrees in sociology.