College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Sociology > Student Resources

Graduate and Undergraduate Student Resources

​​​​​​​​​​​Below are links to information pertinent to both graduate and undergraduate students. Use the Graduate Resources and Undergraduate Resources navigation at left to view program specific information on advising, useful links, necessary forms, and other resources.

Academic Year Tutoring for Statistics and Research Methods Courses

​The 2024-2025 Graduate Assistants (GAs) have not been announced.

Graduate Assistants serve as tutors for undergraduate statistics and research methods courses.    The GA office is located in the Department of Sociology, room 1210. Please go to Calendly​ to schedule an appointment.  

Office Hours

Office Hours

​​Links to University Resources For Students

The university provides an index of links to university-wide student resources.​ ​​​​​