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Hot Off the Press: Our Latest Publications
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Did you know that CWCIT publishes a book series? Titled
Studies in World Catholicism, it’s published through the Cascade Books imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishing. Take a look at our first three volumes, which bring together the work presented by scholars from around the globe during some of our past World Catholicism Week conferences:
Scattered and Gathered: Catholics in Diaspora
Vol. 3 (September 2017)
“…a treasure trove of theological and ethical resources for reimagining and understanding the global phenomenon of migration and diaspora for faith, community, and devotion in the twenty-first century.”
—A. E. Orobator, SJ, president of Jesuit Superiors of Africa & Madagascar
New World Pope: Pope Francis and the Future of the Church
Vol. 2 (June 2017)
"…distinguished by the range of perspectives among its authors, from journalist to theologian, Jewish rabbi to Catholic cardinal, biblical to Ignatian reflection.”
—Timothy Matovina, chair of Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame
In addition to the Studies in World Catholicism series, we also occasionally have works published elsewhere and are happy to share these two recent examples:
Catholicism in Africa: Contemporary Issues
Journal of Global Catholicism, Volume 1, Issue 2 (2017)
Published in a new, open-access academic journal through the College of the Holy Cross, this issue is a collection of papers that were presented in December 2015 in Enugu, Nigeria, at CWCIT’s first conference held in Africa.
A Fonte e o Future da Teologia da Libertação: O Legado de Dom Helder Camara*
Reflexão and PUC-Rio University Press (May 2017)
Published in Portuguese, this book is a collection of papers presented at a CWCIT conference held in November 2015 in Rio de Janeiro in conjunction with the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio).
*The Sources and Future of Liberation Theology: The Legacy of Dom Hélder Câmara