College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Centers & Institutes > Center for World Catholicism & Intercultural Theology > News and Events > Past Events

Past Events

Film strip in a manila file folder

Our video library below showcases more than 200 videos of our past conference events and other lectures. You can also find all of these videos on our CWCIT Vimeo page and our YouTube channel.

(Note: We upload videos as edited versions become available. If you have a question about a specific event's video that is not posted here, please e-mail us.)

Academic Year 2024-25

Making Sanctuary People flyer
Making Sanctuary People
Cultura, Comida y Catolicismo series

Jesuit Pandarasami flyer
Mission and the Margins: The Jesuit Pandarasami Tradition and the Making of Tamil Catholicism

Abuelita Theology flyer
Abuelita Theology: Imagining the Communal Dimensions of Lo Cotidiano
Cultura, Comida y Catolicismo series

4th Annual Berrigan-McAlister Award event flyer
The 4th Annual Berrigan-McAlister Award Celebration: Honoring the Los Angeles Catholic Worker

Idolatry conference 2024 flyer
Is Idolatry Dead? Disenchantment & Misenchantment in the Contemporary World
World Catholicism Week 2024

Soccer game, Bidi Bidi refugee camp, Uganda (photo by Jay Carney)
Can Sport Bridge Social Divisions? Pope Francis, Fanatic Fans, and the Culture of Encounter
J. J. (Jay) Carney

Typical Mami-Wata shrine in Nigeria
Crisis of Faith: Today's African Christians and Mami-Wata (Mother-Water) Spirituality
Sr. Gesila Uzukwu, DMMM

Nigerian women celebrating Our Lady
"A Bird Does Not Fly with One Wing:" Women and the Church in Nigeria
Sr. Caroline Mbonu, HHCJ

(c) Projets Rosalie
Becoming a Church of the Poor: The Vincentian Charism and Reform
World Catholicism Week 2023

Flyer for 5.3.23 Jeannine Hill Fletcher talk
Confronting White Supremacy: Liberation Theology and the North American Context
Jeannine Hill Fletcher

Flyer for 2/15/23 event
Divine Cosmos, Sacred Earth: Hindu and Christian Approaches to Ecology
Daniel P. Scheid

Mural at Sembrandopaz, a grassroots peacebuilding nonprofit in Sincelejo, Colombia
Becoming an Uprising: Active Nonviolence and Christian Peacebuilding
Gerald Schlabach, David C. Cramer, and Janna Hunter-Bowman
May 2022 conference,
The Church of Now: Young People and Global Catholicism Today
World Catholicism Week 2022

Black Unity Mass at St. Agatha Church, Chicago, Feb. 1969
Black Catholics from Migration to Revolution 
Matthew J. Cressler

cover of book,
Chicago Católico: Making Catholic Parishes Mexican
Deborah Kanter
Filipino Santo Niño celebration
Vietnamese-American Catholics...or American-Vietnamese Catholics? 
Peter C. Phan
American Warsaw: Polish Catholic Immigrants in Chicago 
Dominic Pacyga
Mass in Tanzania
African—or Public—Theology? 
Paul Gifford
Light streaming onto a crucifix in dark room
Healing in a Wounded Church
(video) (flyer)
Red AIDS ribbon superimposed on image of Africa
HIV Risks, Social Conditions, and Theological Ethics in Africa
(video) (flyer)
EKG showing a Christian cross
Rise Up and Walk: Catholicism and Health Care across the Globe
World Catholicism Week 2021
(videos) (flyer)
Excerpt of flyer for
Past is Present: Pandemics and the Promise of Christianity
(video) (flyer)

Painting of Ignatius by Carlos Saenz de Tejada
Confronting Contagion, Fear, and Fascism: Imagining a Way out of the Anthropocene with Ignatius of Loyola
(video) (flyer)
Activist nuns in 1986 People Power Revolution in Philippines
Nonviolent Democratic Insurrection: The People Power Revolution in the Philippines, 1986
(video) (flyer)
Icon of Ben Salmon (
The Life and Witness of Ben Salmon: On the Front Lines of the "Army of Peace"
(video) (flyer)
Medical staff of DREAM, Nairobi
Project DREAM: A Collaborative, Vincentian Response to HIV/AIDS in Africa
(video) (flyer)
Map showing SSVP project photos
Systemic Change, Vincentian Style: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
(video) (flyer)
Indigenous Ngäbe youth of Panama carrying a wooden cross
Harvesting Hope in Panama:
The Prophetic Wisdom of the Indigenous Ngäbe People
(video) (flyer)
Painting in Shrine of Virgen de Caysasay
The Virgin of the Vulnerable Lake:  
Religious Engagements with Climate Change in the Philippines
(video) (flyer)
Yasmine Cajuste with Haitian school children
A Voice of the Vincentian Laity: 
The Haiti Initiative and the FamVin Homeless Alliance  
Vinny Goes to the UN: What Must Be Done for the World's Poor?
(video) (flyer)
St Vincent Circle on DePaul's campus

Sharing the Faith

Catholic Education: From and For Faith


Liturgy for the Church as a Field Hospital

Eastern African women who attended a peacebuilding workshop through Shalom Center for Conflict Resolution & Reconcilation

Forgiving Offenses Willingly

On the Ground in Eastern Africa: Creating Peace Amid Conflict and Religious Extremism

Zambian man participating in a

Praying for the Living and the Dead

Witchcraft and Demons in a World of Plural Beliefs: Helping the Afflicted—and Accused

Praying for the Living and the Dead

"Lazarus, Come Forth"—War, Soul Death, and Homecoming

Populism in Today's Theology and Politics

Salvadoran nun protesting metallic mining

Admonishing the Sinner

The Catholic Church's Role in the Struggle against Metallic Mining in El Salvador

Cathedral in Rio de Janeiro

Counseling the Doubtful

The Challenges of the Changing Religious Imagination in Latin America

Cathedral in Rio de Janeiro

Put Away Your Sword: Gospel Nonviolence in a Violent World
World Catholicism Week 2019

Welcoming the Stranger: In a Throwaway Culture, "Turning Away" People?

Feeding the Hungry/Giving Drink to the Thirsty: The Challenges in Haiti and South Sudan

Africa's Contributions to the Catholic Church: Past, Present, and Future

Burying the Dead: Extrajudicial Killings in the Philippines and the Catholic Church's Response

Ransoming the Captive—A Victim-Centered > Approach to Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

A Theology of Wealth and Security

Daughters of Wisdom: Women and Leadership in the Global Church
World Catholicism Week 2018

Clothing the Naked—A Speaker Panel on Ethics and Fashion
Part of DePaul's 2018 Fashion Revolution event

Visiting the Sick—From Liberation Theology to Health Care: Lessons Learned in Rural Ecuador

Africa Matters: A Book Discussion
(The Church We Want and HIV & AIDS in Africa)

Racism and the Catholic Church: The Bishops' Teaching

The Church as "One" in Southeast Asia: Living Out Intercultural Christian Unity

The Church and Indigenous Peoples in the Americas

Catholics and Coal

Coming Down to Earth: Doing Fieldwork in Theology

Democracy, Culture, Catholicism: Voices from Four Continents

Love, Joy, and Sex: Reflections on Pope Francis' Amoris Laetitia in a Divided Church

Catholic Radicalism in the Age of Trump

Gathered in My Name: Ecumenism in the World Church
World Catholicism Week 2017

Forgiveness After Solidarity

Be the Change You Want to See

Muslim-Catholic Dialogue in Sub-Saharan Africa

Jubilee Reflections of Korean American Catholics

International Colloquium on the Future of African Catholicism
held in Enugu, Nigeria

Naming Jesus as "Healer" in Africa

Muslim-Catholic Dialogue in the Middle East

Fire from Heaven: Pentecostalism, Catholicism & the Spirit in the World
World Catholicism Week 2016

Muslim-Catholic Dialogue in the Philippines

Jesuit Theology as a Global Project

Doing Theology in a Garbage Dump:
The "Rough Grounds" & Theological Method

The Sources & Future of Liberation Theology:
The Legacy of Dom Hélder Câmara

Unaffiliated Lay Vincentians:
Trends & Opportunities for the Vincentian Family

Theology, Conflict & Peacebuilding: An Inter-Continental Conversation

Dalit Christians in Contemporary India

Fragile World: Ecology and the Church
World Catholicism Week 2015
(conference website)

Draw a Circle Ever Wider, But Stay on the Page: Liberation Theology & "Political" Brazilian Masses

Liberation Theology Celebrates St. Francis: The Poverello of Assisi According to Leonardo Boff

The Fall of the Fall: A Political History

Born of Lament: The Gift & Discipline of Hope in Africa

World Catholicism Week 2014
(conference website)

Book Launch: Justice, Unity & the Hidden Christ
by Matthew J. P. Tan

Mysticism, Witnessing & Community:
The Martryr Communities of Tibhirine & San Salvador

Religion of (Under)Development:
Practice v. Performance in Africa

New World Pope:
Pope Francis & the Future of the Church


From Slavery to Sainthood: 2013 Augustus Tolton Essay Contest Awards
video) (flyer)

World Catholicism Week 2013
videos) (conference website)

The Feminist Case Against Abortion
(video) (flyer)

The Catholic Church in China: A Dynamic Faith-Filled Institution
English flyer) (Chinese flyer)

"Living Faithfully" in a Global Age:
The Global Religious Resurgence & the Struggle for Justice
video) (flyer)

Witnessing: Prophecy, Politics & Wisdom
(On the 23rd Anniversary of the Salvadoran Martyrs)
videos) (flyer)