College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Centers & Institutes > Center for World Catholicism & Intercultural Theology > Publications > Center Publications

Center Publications

​Many of CWCIT's publications result from our conferences and appear as volumes in our book series, Studies in World Catholicism, published under the Cascade Books imprint of Wipf and Stock (these are marked with an asterisk in the list below). Other CWCIT publications appear as special academic journal issues or as volumes printed by other publishers or collaborating universities in the global South.

Recently Published

Rise Up & Walk cover

*Rise Up and Walk: Catholicism and Health Care across the Globe 

Edited by William T. Cavanaugh
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 15
(Cascade Books, February 2025)

Contributions from World Catholicism Week 2021 conference (view conference videos)

“This book is a timely and critical contribution to the church and society.”
—Carol Keehan (Retired president/CEO, Catholic Health Association of the United States)

Becoming a Church of the Poor: The Vincentian Charism and Reform

Edited by William T. Cavanaugh and Matthieu Brejon de Lavergnée
Vincentian Heritage Journal, 38:1 (Fall 2024)

Contributions from World Catholicism Week 2023 conference (view conference videos)

Cover of
*Put Away Your Sword: Gospel Nonviolence in a Violent World

Edited by Michael L. Budde
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 14
(Cascade Books, March 2024)

Contributions from World Catholicism Week 2019 conference (view conference videos)

“The proper Christian attitude to violence is a burning contemporary question. Here proponents from different continents, conditions, and disciplines highlight its complexity at a practical as well as the theoretical level . . . A superb and timely debate."   —Paul Gifford (SOAS, University of London)


Fratelli Tutti commentary, cover

Edited by William T. Cavanaugh; Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez, OP; Ikenna U. Okafor; Daniel Franklin E. Pilario, CM
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 13
(Cascade Books, January 2024)

". . . the reader is consistently well served by this solidly researched volume for the many insights and creative applications to real-world contexts it brings to bear on the ethical content of this momentous social encyclical."   
—Thomas Massaro, SJ (Fordham University)

Daughters of Wisdom book cover

Edited by Ahida Calderón Pilarski
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 12
(Cascade Books, June 2023)

Contributions from World Catholicism Week 2018 conference (view conference videos)

"Daughters of Wisdom offers a paradigm for every conversation about women and the church in the third millennium, drawing from the tradition, the academy, and the apostolate."   

—Susan M. Timoney (The Catholic University of America)

Handbook of African Catholicism, cover

Edited by Stan Chu Ilo
(Orbis Books, June 2022)

“A breathtaking and spectacular cartography of the spiritual and theological force of contemporary African Catholicism.”    

—Susan Abraham (president of Concilium: International Journal for Theology)

Cover of

African Ecological Ethics ​and Spirituality for Cosmic Flourishing: An African Commentary on Laudato Si'​
Edited by Stan Chu Ilo
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 11
(Cascade Books, June 2022)

"In a unique and unprecedented way, this book shows how the ecological crisis does not leave Africa bereft of insights and initiatives. It will delight minds hungry for original voices . . . ."

—Josée Ngalula, Catholic University of Congo


Full cover,

Gathered in My Name: Ecumenism in the World Church
Edited by William T. Cavanaugh
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 9
(Cascade Books, December 2020)

Contributions from World Catholicism Week 2017 conference (view conference videos)

Cover of

Pentecostalism, Catholicism, and the Spirit in the World
Edited by Stan Chu Ilo
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 8
(Cascade Books, October 2019)

Contributions from World Catholicism Week 2016 conference (view conference videos)

Cover of

Love, Joy, and Sex: African Conversation on Pope Francis's Amoris Laetitia and the Gospel of Family in a Divided World
Edited by Stan Chu Ilo
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 6
(Cascade Books, August 2019)


Theology, Conflict, and Peacebuilding
Edited by Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM
(Adamson University Press, April 2019)

Contributions from 2014 international conference held in Manila, Philippines
Cover of

The Church and Indigenous Peoples in the Americas: In Between Reconciliation and Decolonization
Edited by Michel Andraos
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 7
(Cascade Books, July 2019)

Contributions from 2016 conference cosponsored with Catholic Theological Union (CTU) (view conference videos​)


Cover of

Fragile World: Ecology and the Church
Edited by William T. Cavanaugh
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 4
(Cascade Books, May 2018)

Contributions from World Catholicism Week 2015 (view conference videos​)

Book Reviews

Lucas Briola (Saint Vincent College), Journal of Moral Theology, 8:2 (June 2019) 145-46.

"In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis stresses the close link between the cry of the poor and cry of the earth. These essays . . . allow us to hear and learn from these twin cries. The diversity of perspectives, focused in the Global South and predominantly Catholic part of the globe . . . transports readers to places like the Agusan Marsh and villages in the Niger Delta region and makes the victims of Hurricane Yolanda and other suffering communities our neighbors . . . .While featuring established figures in the field like Celia Deane Deane-Drummond, Michael Northcott,and Cardinal Peter Turkson, the volume also introduces readers to a number of insightful and significant voices that might be less familiar . . . . This volume offers a powerful meditation on the twin cries echoing across our common home."

Kevin Hargaden (Jesuit Centre for Faith & Justice, Dublin), The Other Journal, 30 (September 19, 2019) online.

"This book is indispensable for theologians, especially Catholic moral theologians, who are interested in environmental questions. It is accessible enough to be enjoyed by the interested lay reader. Particular essays would surely serve as appropriate reading material in later undergraduate courses or introductory postgraduate courses. Its lasting strength is in the breadth of topics covered, the diversity of voices featured, and most importantly, this sense that the environment is not a thing out there, apart from us, subject to our objective gaze . . . . this book shows how the church, which Cavanaugh proposes as 'perhaps the only truly international grassroots organization' (8), should be enmeshed fully in all conversations about how to care for this world we have been gifted."

Cover of

Scattered and Gathered: Catholics in Diaspora
Edited by Michael L. Budde
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 3
(Cascade Books, September 2017)

Contributions from 2014 World Catholicism Week conference (view conference videos)​

Book Reviews

Michael M. Canaris (Loyola University Chicago's Institute of Pastoral Studies), Reading Religion: A Publication of the American Academy of Religion, May 31, 2018.
"At times, the ability to cut through the cacophony of noise on the topic to arrive at factual, grounded, and sane dialogue about migration and resettlement remains elusive. Thankfully, we have Michael Budde’s invaluable recent volume Scattered and Gathered: Catholics in Diaspora as a sort of polar icebreaker (in the maritime sense of the term) to clear an intellectual route so that these channels of sensible exchange can take place in what has become a frighteningly rigid and wintry season of polemics.
...[the volume] explores with depth and dexterity questions in this wide gamut of scholarship from a number of intriguing angles and contexts: African, Asian, Latinx, Levantine, ecclesiological, biblical, sociological, historical, cultural, literary, and devotional, to name but a few."
Cover of journal on

Catholicism in Africa, Part Two: Retrospect and Prospect
Journal of Global Catholicism 2:1
(Fall 2017)

Contributions from 2015 colloquium in Enugu, Nigeria, "The Future of Catholicism in Africa 50 Years After Vatican II"
Cover of July 2017 Journal of Global Catholicism

Catholicism in Africa, Part One: Contemporary Issues
Journal of Global Catholicism 2:1
(July 2017)

Contributions from 2015 colloquium in Enugu, Nigeria, "The Future of Catholicism in Africa 50 Years After Vatican II"

Cover of

New World Pope: Pope Francis and the Future of the Church
Edited by Michael L. Budde
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 2
(Cascade Books, June 2017)

Contributions from 2014 conference of the same name (view conference videos)


Cover of Dom Helder book
Edited by Maria Clara Bingemer and Paulo Fernando Carneiro de Andrade
(Reflexão and PUC-Rio University Press, 2017)

Contributions from a fall 2015 conference, cosponsored with the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) (view conference videos)

*Available only in Portuguese

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Embracing Our Inheritance: Jubilee Reflections on Korean American Catholics (1966-2016)
Edited by Simon C. Kim and Francis Daeshin Kim
(Pickwick Publications, June 2016)

Contributions from a November 2015 conference (view conference videos)

Cover of

Beyond the Borders of Baptism: Catholicity, Allegiances, and Lived Identities
Edited by Michael L. Budde
Studies in World Catholicism, Vol. 1
(Cascade Books, September 2016)

Contributions from World Catholicism Week 2013 (view conference videos)

Book Reviews

Goran Stanic (Catholic University of Leuven), Louvain Studies 41:1 (2018) 97-100.

"...what makes this book unique is the variety of theological-political case studies from various geographical regions and historical periods...most of the contributors provide ample evidence of what happens when 'profane' loyalties become 'sacralized.' Thus, it is not only just another theological exploration, but also, in many ways, a call for action.

....another practical proof that this book challenges the right point at the right time is the fact that there were supposed to be two more contributions in the book, but the authors could not revise their manuscripts due to conflict situations in their respective countries."
Cover of the joint CWCIT-PUC Rio publication (in Portuguese),

Fé, Justiça e Paz: O Testemunho de Dorothy Day*
[Faith, Justice, and Peace: The Witness of Dorothy Day]
Edited by Maria Clara Bingemer and Paulo Fernando Carneiro de Andrade
(PUC-Rio, 2016)

Contributions from a November 2013 conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, cosponsored with the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)​

*Published only in Portuguese


Cover of
Edited by Peter J. Casarella
(Eerdmans, 2015)

Contributions from World Catholicism Week 2010, "Tradition & Liberation: Charity in Truth and the New Face of Social Progress" (view conference videos)

Cover of

Witnessing: Prophecy, Politics, and Wisdom
Edited by Maria Clara Bingemer and Peter Casarella
(Orbis Books, 2014)

Contributions from November 2012 conference of the same name (view conference videos)

Logo of Modern Theology journal

Modern Theology, Vol. 30, No. 2
"Eucharist and Society," 282-402
(April 2013)

Contributions from World Catholicism Week 2012, "Real Presences: Eucharist, Society, and Global Catholicism" (view conference videos) ​

Cover of Diálogo's fall 2013 issue

Latino/a Catholicism Today
 Vol. 16, No. 2

(Fall 2013)

Contributions from the 2011 symposium, "Cosmic Liturgy: The Vision of Alejandro García-Rivera" (view conference videos)

Cover of Diálogo's spring 2013 issue

A Tribute to Alejandro García-Rivera
 Vol. 16, No. 1

(Spring 2013)

Contributions from the 2011 symposium, "Cosmic Liturgy: The Vision of Alejandro García-Rivera" (view conference videos)​

Secularização: Novos Desafios (PUC-Rio)

Secularização: Novos Desafios*
[Secularization: New Challenges]
Edited by Maria Clara Bingemer and Paulo Fernando Carneiro de Andrade
(PUC-Rio, 2016)

Contributions from a fall 2012 conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, cosponsored with the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)​

*Available only in Portuguese