The Vatican (Holy See)
www.vatican.vaThe official website of the papal headquarters in Rome offers a wealth of information and Catholic resources available in eight languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Spanish and Portuguese.

Caritas Internationalis
Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of over 160 members who are working at the grassroots in almost every country of the world. Inspired by Catholic faith, Caritas is the helping hand of the Church – reaching out to the poor, vulnerable and excluded, regardless of race or religion, to build a world based on justice and fraternal love.

Pax Christi International
Pax Christi International is a Catholic peace movement with 120 member organizations worldwide that promotes peace, respect of human rights, justice & reconciliation throughout the world. Grounded in the belief that peace is possible and that vicious cycles of violence and injustice can be broken, Pax Christi International addresses the root causes & destructive consequences of violent conflict and war.
International Vincentian Family
here to learn more about the many branches of the Vincentian Family around the world
The purpose of the Congregation of the Mission is to follow Christ evangelizing the poor. The specific purpose of the Congregation is to preach missions to the poor, especially to the poor living in the rural areas who at the time of Vincent, were abandoned by the Church. Vincent soon realized that the fruit of the popular missions would quickly vanish unless there were good priests who would continue that work.
Daughters of Charity are called to serve Jesus Christ in the person of those who are poor and marginalized, with a spirit of humility, simplicity and charity. Motivated by the love of Christ and sustained by a deep prayer life, they live together in community, supporting one another in their common mission of service, service which addresses the person in all human and spiritual dimensions.
The Rosalie Projects Website is a crowdfunding platform created to support the projects of the Daughters of Charity of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul taking place all over the world.
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is an international organisation formed of lay Catholics, who seek personal and spiritual growth through service to those most in need.