United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
www.usccb.orgThe United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an assembly of hierarchy of the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands who jointly exercise certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of the United States.

National Black Catholic Congress
nbccongress.orgThe National Black Catholic Congress, comprised of member organizations, represent African American Roman Catholics, working in collaboration with National Roman Catholic organizations.

National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry
ncchm-us.orgThe National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry provides a national network and forum for the religious, social, professional, and civic advancement of Roman Catholic Hispanics in the United States.

Tekakwitha Conference
tekconf.orgA conference for the evangelization of Native American Catholics.

National Association for Lay Ministry
www.nalm.orgThe National Association for Lay Ministry supports, educates and advocates for lay ministers and promotes the development of lay ministry in the Catholic church.

Catholic Charities USA
www.catholiccharitiesusa.orgCatholic Charities provides social services to people in need regardless of religious, social, or economic backgrounds.

Catholic Relief Services
www.crs.orgCRS is dedicated to assisting the poor and disadvantaged, putting into practice the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel to alleviate suffering, promote development, foster charity and justice throughout the world.

Catholic Health Association (CHA)
www.chausa.orgThe Catholic Health Association is based in St. Louis. founded in 1915, and supports the Catholic health ministry's pursuit of the strategic directions of mission, ethics and advocacy.