Catholic Theological Union (CTU)
Founded in 1968 in the spirit and vision of the Second Vatican Council, CTU has grown to be one of the largest Roman Catholic graduate schools of theology and ministry in the U.S. Located in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood, CTU offers 6 degrees and 13 certificate programs. Its distinguished Catholic faculty also includes scholars from the Protestant, Jewish, and Muslim traditions. And over the years its programs have expanded to address the intercultural needs of the Church in an increasingly global society. CTU alums now number 4,000 serving the Church across the U.S. and in 60 countries worldwide. They work in parishes, homeless shelters, prisons, hospitals, schools, colleges and universities, gang ministry, hospices, social service organizations, and myriad other ministry settings.
The DePaul-CTU Connection
In 2011, CTU and DePaul formed an educational alliance as a way to explore new ways to deliver educational opportunities to their respective students, faculties, and staffs. As a result, CTU can offer its students who are preparing for ministry access to managerial, communications, social media education, and many other areas of interest that will augment their theological learning and better prepare them for leadership roles in the Church. And DePaul, which does not have a graduate theology program, can offer those of its students who are interested in theological graduate study the chance to begin doing so while still at DePaul.