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College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > About > Initiatives > HumanitiesX Collaborative
Opening night for the "Do Say Gay" exhibit at Gerber/Hart Library and Archives
Public Art Event showcasing the work of students in HX Course, "Ni Olvido, Ni Perdon: Historic Memory Project"
Sergio Godinez (HX Student Assistant, Former HX Student Fellow) and Camille Perry (HX Student Fellow) practice making crepes during a visit to community partner, Alliance Française.
Students review archival materials held in special collections at DePaul on behalf of the Chicago Religious Leadership Network (HX 23-24 Community Partner)
Guests read a flyer together while perusing a gallery showing hosted by one of our HX courses.
Community Fellow Becky Lyons gives the 22-23 Faculty and Community Fellows a tour of the South Branch of the Chicago River.
21-22 Faculty Fellow Kerry Ross discussing calligraphy at a class field trip to the Art Institute.
HX students stop for a rest while touring Big Marsh Park by bicycle.
HumanitiesX is a collaborative that joins faculty and students from DePaul University with community partners from Chicago-area arts, cultural, and nonprofit organizations. Together we are working to reimagine teaching and learning in the humanities and demonstrate what can be accomplished—in our classrooms and our city—by interdisciplinary teams that apply humanities methods to real-world projects.
Learn more about HumanitiesX
Team China's Environmental Voices poses for a picture at their culminating event and film screening.