College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > About > Initiatives > HumanitiesX Collaborative > Get Involved

Get Involved

​​​​​​​​​​​Connect with HumanitiesX

​​If you would like to teach a HumanitiesX course, or if you are affiliated with a Chicago-area nonprofit organization—a category including, but not limited to arts, advocacy, and civic organizations—and you are interested in partnering with a HumanitiesX course, please reach out to our Faculty Director, Professor Lisa Dush, at 773-325-4069 or

HumanitiesX Application

Faculty in DePaul's College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and Chicago-area community partners are invited annually to apply for a fellowship with HumanitiesX. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The application cycle for 2025 fellowships is now closed

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