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William T. Cavanaugh, PhD, Professor of Catholic Studies and Director of the Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology, is the recipient of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences’ 2023 Cortelyou-Lowery Award (CLA). On the recommendation of the College Awards Committee, the CLA is given annually to an outstanding faculty colleague who has demonstrated sustained excellence in the College.

This lecture by Professor Stan Chu Ilo contests some of the settled claims about the shifting center of Christianity from the West to the Global South, particularly that Africa is the new center of Christianity. Professor Ilo engages some of the new methodologies for studying the shifting momentum of Christian expansion. The lecture then will identify the five new frontiers of mission and theology today—politics, peripheries, ecology, wealth, and hope. The question of hope for the victims of history becomes a necessary theological and missional task for theology and the Christian movement in answering the perennial question: Where is God in all of this? Answering this in the face of these new frontiers will be presented as the center around which mission should revolve.


Scott Moringiello, scholar-in-residence at St. Gregory's Hall: A Home for Catholic Culture, is teaching a course exploring the ways in which the spiritual, theological, and aesthetic traditions of catholic faith inform major literary works of the past century. Participates engages readings of three authors. While the authors' background, style, and subject matter differ widely, their portrayals of human life and experience all draw on the paradoxical relation of sacred and profane, transcendent and terrestrial that characterizes the incarnation and the life of the sacraments.



2023-2024 Newsletter​, June 2024.​

Faculty Publications

20th Anniversary Ce​lebration

On April 25, 2017, the Department of Catholic Studies at DePaul University hosted its 20th Anniversary Celebration. Speakers included Catholic studies professors and students, DePaul President Fr. Dennis Holtschneider, C.M., and LAS Dean Guillermo Vásquez de Velasco.

Learn More About the Celebration