College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > International Studies > About > Student Newsletter

INTerrupted Silence: The INT Student Newsletter

​Meet INTerrupted Silence, the Department of International Studies quarterly newsletter. Created around the mantra of "actively engaged intellectuals, and intellectually engaged activists," this newsletter provides a space for our students to stay involved with their department, their community, and their peers.

Stop by our office in 990 W. Fullerton, Suite 4100 for your copy, and enjoy!

Issues of the Student Newsletter

2024-2025 Academic Year

2023-2024 Academic Year

2022-2023 Academic Year

2021-2022 Academic Year

2018-2019 Academic Year

2017-2018 Academic Year

2015-2016 Academic Year

2014-2015 Academic Year

2013-2014 Academic Year

2012-2013 Academic Year

2011-2012 Academic Year

Request for Submissions

Writing for the newsletter is a great way to get more involved in the department while also sharing some of your research, experiences, and commentary with other students. We accept research articles, opinion pieces, coverage of recent events, book reviews, and profiles of students, alumni, and organizations. Please follow the submission guidelines below.

  • Try to keep the pieces to no more than 1000 words (roughly 4 pages double-spaced, 2 pages single-spaced). 500 words is sufficient.
  • Use concise, simple, and straightforward language. Employ active verbs.
  • Have a clear thesis statement, argument, or theme to your piece.
  • Remember that this will be the first time that many of your readers hear about your topic: be sure to establish context, avoid acronyms, and to think from an audience perspective.
  • Proof read your work
  • If you have a particular photo or image to support your article, please attach it with your submission.

Please email submissions to

The Newsletter Committee

The newsletter committee is always looking for volunteers to join the editorial board! Contact to get involved.