College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Philosophy


The Department of Philosophy
The Department of Philosophy
Welcome to the New Academic Year 2023-24! 

Dear Philosophy Students, 

Welcome to the new academic year! Our Graduate Student Orientation and Reception were well-attended.  It was wonderful to see so many of you in Levan 100 and then on the festive patio of El Presidente for the reception after. 

We have an exciting year of speakers and events planned, and we hope to see many of you again soon.  Our first guest speaker, Axelle Karera (Emory University), will be on campus Friday, September 15 and all are welcome to attend the talk and discussion.  Other highlights of the AQ include Marjolein Oele (University of San Francisco), who will give the keynote talk at the Graduate Student Conference (9/29-9/30) and Linda Alcoff (Hunter College), who will be on campus for a talk on October 27.

The first meeting of the Philosophy Circle, our annual Orientation meeting, will take place on Wednesday, September 20, 6:00-7:30 p.m. --while some events will have Zoom links, we expect most events, including our Philosophy Circle meetings, to be in-person events. 

If you have questions related to the undergraduate program, please contact our director of undergraduate studies, Professor Avery Goldman (​​).  For questions related to the graduate program, please contact our director of graduate studies, Professor Kevin Thompson  (​​)​.  For general questions relating to department operations during the academic year, please contact our administrative assistant, Nicole Hack  (​). 

As we embark on another new year of philosophizing together, Symphilosophie in the best sense of that romantic term, I wish you all health, wisdom, and peace. 

About Philosophy

​​Philosophy is the enterprise of examining and interrogating the foundational concepts that structure human existence—concepts such as happiness, the good life, human community, freedom, and the self. It entails the cultivation of critical thinking skills, careful questioning, and an appreciation of the rich history of human thought on these and other key issues, as reflected in the texts of great philosophers from Plato and Aristotle to Hegel, Nietzsche, and beyond.

DePaul University’s philosophy department features an internationally recognized faculty that makes it one of the premier philosophy programs in the U.S. working in the European tradition. The department features baccalaureate, master’s, and PhD programs, an active research agenda, and prominent visiting scholars and conferences that serve to enrich and promote the engaged intellectual life of students at all levels.

Undergraduate Major & MinorsGraduate Program

Why Study Philosophy?

A degree in Philosophy expands your perspective and prepares you with the skills necessary for any career path you choose.

Learn More


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