College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > School of Public Service > About > News & Events > Study Abroad to Panama City in July!

Panama City, The Panama Canal - and More

School of Public Service students toured the Panama Canal, Panama City and various governmental sites, among other places, in July during a study abroad trip to Panama.

The students met the rector of the University of Panama, Dr. Gustavo García de Paredes, during their visit to the university’s School of Public Administration.

The rector gave two volumes on the history of the University of Panama, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year, to the Study Abroad group, and Panama Study Abroad Coordinator Barbara Kraemer presented these volumes to the Rev. Dennis HoltschneiderDePaul’s president.

Students Abril Susana and Kaliah Liggons represented the Panama Study Abroad group at the presentation. SPS Assistant Director Ron Fern​andes, coordinator for all SPS Study Abroad programs, also attended.

Fr. Holtschneider was interested in learning about students’ experiences at the canal
and in Panama City; some years ago he studied Spanish in that country.

The School of Public Service will offer Panama Study Abroad again in the summer of 2017; interested students should register for MPS 521 or MPS 542 in the spring quarter.

Students will meet during the spring quarter for an introduction to the history of Panama and U.S.-Panama relations, plus the current political, economic and social environment.

For more information, contact Barbara Kraemer (bkraeme1@; 312.362.6509).

— Barbara Kraemer, SPS faculty