College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > School of Public Service > About > News & Events > The Chaddick Institute

Pedaling an event

Dimensions of Divvy: The performance of bikesharing in outlying
neighborhoods and inner-ring suburbs

Noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14th.

Join Chadick for an analysis of the effectiveness of bikesharing in
outlying urban neighborhoods and inner-ring suburbs. Organizers will
share new research on how the Divvy bikeshare program has evolved since its rollout in Chicago and its expansion in Evanston and Oak Park. We’ll discuss usage patterns in both urban and more suburban contexts and the extent to which programs aimed at improving active
transportation infrastructure and equity have boosted ridership.

Arrive with your lunch at 14 E Jackson Blvd., suite 1600.

We will meet in the Dublin Room at the School of Public Service. This is a free event. Bring a colleague or friend.

For info, email
