NEOLIBERALISM AND SOCIAL DEMOCRACY:A collaborative conference between the Department of Philosophy, DePaul University and the Whitlam Institute at Western Sydney University.
DePaul University, Chicago, IL
APRIL 7 - 8, 2017
On the face of it neoliberalism’s conception of human beings as maximizers of human capital seems far from social democracy’s conception of active citizens guided by the principles of social equality and political freedom. However, neoliberalism has viewed its project as rooted in the intellectual traditions of social democracy. Bringing together scholars from sociology, history, economics, political science and philosophy, this two-day conference will address the relation between social democracy and neoliberalism.
Participants include:
Christina Lafont, Northwestern University
Philip Mirowski, Notre Dame
James Martel, San Francisco State University
Eric Santner, University of Chicago
The Whitlam Institute carries on the work of Geoff Whitlam, who during his brief tenure as Australia’s Prime Minister (1972-1975), which had been proceeded by nearly two decades as leader of the Labour Party, enacted legislation that granted the recognition of Aboriginal land claims, the equal rights amendment for the equality of women, free university education, universal health care, and the abolition of the death penalty.
For additional information please contact Peg Birmingham ( This event is free and open to the public.