College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences > Academics > Political Science > Faculty > Malia Bowers

Malia Bowers

Dr. Malia​ Bowers is a Professional Lecturer who teaches courses in Public Law and American Politics. She completed her MSc in Gender and Sexuality Studies at the London School of Economics and her PhD in Political Science at Northwestern University.

Her research interests sit at the intersection of law and policy, social movements, and gender and sexuality, and she teaches classes on Constitutional law, sexuality and law, rights-based social movements, American politics, and comparative politics. Being in a classroom with curious and engaged students, analyzing complicated problems and debating potential solutions, is her very favorite place to be. She loves the material she gets to teach, particularly for how relevant it is to our everyday lives. Everyone is impacted daily by the political and legal structures that govern this country, and her courses aim to emphasize both “what must be done” as well as what students can do as individuals.