This section contains additional information for Political Science students and the university community.
Tips from DePaul's Public Safety Office
Here's what you should do if you see something unusual:
- Call 911 to report an emergency or if you see suspicious people or activities
- Provide a detailed description of the offender(s)
- Provide a description of their vehicle and license plate information
Here's what you should do to be safe in the city:
- Always be aware of your surroundings
- Walk in groups whenever possible; take a cab or public transportation rather than walk alone late at night. Avoid secluded areas like parks, alleys & vacant lots from midnight to dawn
- When on the Lincoln Park Campus at night, use Public Safety's escort service
- Use the emergency call boxes around campus if you feel unsafe
If you have any questions or concerns, please call DePaul Public Safety at 773-325-7777.