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Research & Community Fellows

​​​Chaddick Research and Community Fellows

We are pleased to share with you our inaugural Chaddick Fellows, all of whom have added to the intellectual life at our institute and mentored graduate students. These talented individuals began their work as fellows in March 2022. 

Derick Anderson
Derick is an urban research specialist who explores how community is developed, maintained, and destroyed in affordable and public housing developments in North America. He is a PhD student in Urban Planning and Policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago and previously worked in housing counseling and managed community development programs for a decade in Chicago. Derick has an MPA from DePaul University and was a 2012 Chaddick Scholar.

Rachael Aziz
Rachael is a designer and AICP-certified planner specializing in place-based brand identities and experiential marketing campaigns. She is co-founder, with Marisa Schulz, of the Evanston-based All Together, whose clients include municipal governments, community development organizations, and civic organizations. She holds an MA in Sustainable Urban Development from DePaul.

Brandon Bordenkircher​
Brandon is the CEO of 12 Tone Matrix LLC and was the inaugural recipient of the Chaddick Institute's Distinguished Alumni Award in 2020. He formerly served as Deputy Program Director at AirBnb and has written several op-eds and publications on technology, policy, and politics. Brandon received his Master of Public Administration from DePaul.

Patrick Steffes
Urban Program Advisor, and Community Fellow
Patrick is an expert on Chicago's cityscape and development history who has collaborated with the Chaddick Institute since the “Terminal Town" festival of events in 2014.  Patrick holds a Bachelor's in Communications and a Bachelor's in Hi story from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Since 2014, he has been an Editor for Forgotten Chicago, an organization researching and exploring Chicagoland's overlooked built environment and infrastructure. Patrick spent four years on the Editorial Advisory Board of Art Deco Chicago: Designing Modern America, a book published by the Chicago Art Deco Society in 2018. Known by many for his insightful Forgotten Chicago tours, he has also collaborated on programs with the Society for Industrial Archeology, AIA Chicago, Preservation Chicago, and other organizations. 

Phil Hanegraaf
Phil has extensive career experience in improving communities through thoughtful planning. His pioneering work has won state and national awards for regional land use and transportation plans, such as Chicago, Illinois, Charleston SC, and northwestern Indiana.  His work focuses on community building through improving transportation, land use, and socio-economic conditions in ways that advance equity and help communities meet their goals. He has led multidisciplinary teams to deliver transit alternatives analyses, New Starts projects, project development, roadway and highway major investment studies, regional and community plans, complex master planning, and project financing. Select projects include the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Cross Harbor Freight Program, Charleston South Carolina US 52 Multimodal Corridor Study, Montgomery County, MD, BRT system planning and PMC, Dallas-Fort Worth Airport  Landside PMC, and the GoTriangle Commuter Rail Alternatives Analysis, in Raleigh, NC.

Phil is a member of the American Planning Association (APA), American Public Transportation Association (APTA), Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE), and Lambda Alpha International (LAI), a land economics fraternity.