In addition to our academic journal Issues in Aviation Law and Policy, the Chaddick Institute regularly publishes reports to foster an understanding of urban planning, transportation, and the economics of cities. This page is a chronological list of Chaddick publications and research studies. Please refer to the tabs on the left side of the page for special topical areas (e.g., intercity bus research).
For details about our advertised book specials, including book Terminal Town ($15 postpaid) and When the Railroad Leaves Town ($8 postpaid), click here to be directed to our Books & Monographs page or email us at Also, be sure to check out our Urban Technology Series and Talking Transportation Podcast.

New! 2025 Outlook for the Intercity Bus Industry. February 6, 2025. Email to reach the study. Also, make plans to attend our webinar on February 27, 2025 (noon CT). Check out the coverage in Metro magazine.
New! Intercity Bus Schedule Frequency Report. January 22, 2025. Email to reach the study.
2024 Publications
New! Air Cargo Commentary: Directional Traffic Patterns and Hub Expansion Boost Amazon Air’s Prospects for Third-Party Shipping, November 19, 2024. Check out our coverage in Air Cargo News.
A Tale of Two Continents: Amazon Air Expands Hubs & Capacity in North America while Downsizing in Europe. Thursday, March 22, 2024. By Joseph Schwieterman and Toni Jahn. Our annual brief on Amazon Air. Email to reach the study team. Check out our coverage in Freightwaves.
Back on the Bus: 2024 Outlook for the Intercity Bus Industry in the United States. February 6, 2024. 24 pages (PDF). Email to reach the study team. Check out our coverage in BUSRide, Mass Transit, and Smart City Dive.
2023 Publications 
The Expanding Role of Cargo-Oriented Airports in the United States since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Thursday, August 17, 2023. Executive Summary (2 pgs). Study (15 pgs). Several prominent outlets cover the study, including Yahoo Finance/Freightwaves and Loadstar. Email to reach the study team.
Going Green: The Adoption of Climate Action Plans by Illinois Municipalities, 2008-2022. May 1, 2023. Research by Branson Bordenkircher, Connor Rettig, Joseph Schwieterman, and Euan Hague exploring climate action plans in the metropolitan Chicago region. This article (18 pages) appears in the Illinois Municipal Policy Journal. Email to reach the study team.
Bus Station on the Brink: City Action is Needed to Prevent the Loss of the Chicago Greyhound Terminal. April 19, 2023. To reach the study team, email
Daily Double: Twice-a-day Flight Clusters at CVG Enhance Amazon Air's Capability as Recession Fears Loom. March 7, 2023. Our latest bi-annual brief on Amazon Air. Email to reach the study team. Check out our coverage in FreightWaves.
New Destinations: 2023 Outlook for the Intercity Bus Industry. February 7, 2023. To reach the study team, email Check out the media coverage in Mass Transit and Metro.
Municipal Design Review Network: Creating Community, a publication featuring mission & milestones. September 2022. Our illustrated book (24 pages) on the many accomplishments of "MDRN", led by a group of professionals committed to improving public spaces. We are proud to be the organizational home of the network. To contact the network, email
Takeoff in Northern Kentucky : Big Moves at "CVG" Lift Amazon Air's Delivery Capabilities September 20, 2022. To reach the study team, email
Airport Blues: The Potential Difficulties from Disrupted Fourth of July Travel. June 28, 2022. Email chaddick@depaul to reach the study team.
Super Sundays, Troubled Tuesdays: The Growing Challenge of Day-of-Week Fluctuations in Air Travel. June 16, 2022. Email to reach the study team.
Total Package: Amazon Air's Changing Network and Strategic Orientation. March 15, 2022. Email to reach the study team.
Routes to Recovery: 2022 Outlook for the Intercity Bus Industry. February 24, 2022. The Chaddick Institute’s widely anticipated annual review of an often overlooked mode of travel in the United States. Email to reach the study team.
Intercity Bus Bounceback The 4th Quarter 2021 Brings Optimism to a Struggling Sector. January 6, 2022. A review of the 2021 Intercity Bus action, highlighting fares and schedules. Email to reach the study team.
Buses, Planes, and Trains: Three Trends to Watch during the Holidays December 8, 2021. Our Winter E-Newsletter, including an analysis of Amazon Air on Cyber Monday. Email to reach the study team.
Holiday Stuffing: Surging Thanksgiving traffic leads to higher airfares and sold-out trains, but bus, car rental, and rail bargains can still be found. November 9, 2021. To reach the study team, email or call 312.362.5731
Blue Skies for Amazon Air: The Expanding Capabilities of Amazon's Cargo Airline. September 9, 2021. Our fourth bi-annual review of the e-commerce service provider. Email to reach the study team. See coverage in Freightwaves and Financial Times (behind paywall).
Spring Surprise: Air & Train Fares Surge While Bus Fares Fall for Trips Less Than 500 Miles. By Joseph Schwieterman and Crystal Bell. Chaddick Policy Brief. Email to reach the study team.
The Rise of Cargo Focused Airports: Pandemic Year 2020. March 25, 2021. To reach the study team, email or call 312.362.5731
Primed and Positioned: Strategic Moves by Amazon Air Winter 2021. February 16, 2021. To reach the study team, email or call 312.362.5731
On the Brink: 2021 Outlook for the Intercity Bus Industry. January 29, 2021. Our widely anticipated annual review of the state of the industry and prognosis for the future. Contact or call 312.362.5732 to reach the study team. See coverage in Mass Transit and Metro
E-Scooter Scenarios: Evaluating the Potential Mobility Benefits of Shared Dockless Scooters in Chicago December 12, 2018. Our analysis of the potential time saving benefits of e-scooter travel in various parts of the city of Chicago. See our event page for info on the discussion session we will hold on December 18 regarding the report. To reach the authors, contact
Partners in Transit: A Review of Partnerships between Transportation Network Companies and Public Agencies in the United States. August, 2, 2018. This study explores innovations underway at cities and transit agencies across the country to build synergy between Lyft & Uber and transit systems.
Uber Economics: Evaluating the Monetary and Nonmonetary Tradeoffs of TNC and Transit Service in Chicago, IL. May 10, 2018. Plus, check out our short overview of the potential synergies between TNCs and transit here. The report's press release can be viewed here.
Dimensions of Divvy: Exploring the performance of bikesharing in Chicago in a period of growth and expansion. February 15, 2018. This study characterizes the three phases of Chicago’s Divvy system beginning with its initial rollout in 2013 through its first and second expansions, in 2015 and 2016, respectively, paying special attention to service and performance gaps.
Driving Demand: 2018 Outlook for the Intercity Bus Industry in the United States. January 29, 2018. Our annual report on industry trends and disruptive forces. Please also see the press release available here. Plus, check out our mid-year intercity bus newsletter from summer 2018 to see what's new in scheduled bus service.
The Chaddick Institute has a series of working papers entitled, "The Digitally Connected Commuter: The Rising Use of Personal Electronic Devices on Chicago Commuter Trains," that measures the growth in technology usage among passengers on Metra trains.
Our Institute regularly publishes travel forecasts for the intercity bus industry at various major travel holidays. Click here for our 2015 Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas/New Year's Day Reports.
Adding on Amenities, Broadening the Base: 2014 Year-in-Review of Intercity Bus Service in the United States by Joseph P. Schwieterman, Brian Antolin, Gary Scott and Martin Sellers. Download a copy of this study. Email to contact a member of the study team.
Joseph P. Schwieterman'sTerminal Town: An Illustrated Guide to Chicago's Airports, Bus Depots, Train Stations, and Steamship Landings: 1939-Present. (Lake Forest College Press, 2014, 301 pages). Includes 215 color photographs and 20 custom maps. Featured in the Chicago Tribune! Click here for more information.
"The Person Tech Tidal Wave: The Rising Use of Electronic Devices on Intercity Buses, Planes, and Trains" - 2014 Update (July 2, 2014). Click here to download a copy.
"The Traveler's Tradeoff: Comparing Intercity Bus, Plane, & Train Fares across the United States" (April 15, 2014). The Traveler's Tradeoff.
"CTA Red Purple Modernization Briefing," Joseph P. Schwieterman and Laurence F. Audenaerd (May 1, 2013). View briefing
"Gaining Insight into GLMRIS: An Investigation of the Benefits & Costs of the Alternatives in the Great Lakes & Mississippi River Interbasin Study" (February 6, 2014) View Report
"Motoring into the Mainstream: Intercity Bus Service in the United States" Part C of Technology in Intercity Travel Study 2013 Year-in-Review. (January 14, 2014). View Report
"The Personal Tech Tidal Wave: The Surging Use of Electronic Devices on Intercity Buses, Planes, and Trains 2012-2013" - 2013 Update. Click here to download a copy
"Tablets Take Flight: The Rise of Personal Electronic Devices & the Growing Cost of the FAA Ban on Technology Use During Takeoffs/Landings" (May 29, 2013). Click here to download a copy
"The Store Next Door: How Ethnic Grocery Stores Contribute to Neighborhood Life & Cross-Cultural Food Consumption in Chicago" Released on March 20, 2013. View Report
"2012 Intercity Bus Study: The Motor Coach Metamorphosis 2012: Year-in-Review of Intercity Bus Service in the United States." (January 6, 2013). View Report.
"Staying Connected En Route: The Growing Use of Tablets and other Portable Electronic Devices on Intercity Buses, Trains, and Planes" (January 20, 2012). Click here to download a copy
"The Chicago Community Area of Rogers Park: A Bicycle Infrastructure Analysis of North Sheridan Road Between North Touhy Road and Juneway Terrace Park." (August 2011).
RPBA Bicycle Lane Research Report.